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动态加载 Javascript 以及如何检查脚本是否存在

[英]Loading Javascript Dynamically and how to check if the script exists

I am using the following technique to load up Javascript dynamically:我正在使用以下技术动态加载 Javascript:

var script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.src = "file.js";

It's quite a common approach.这是一种很常见的方法。 It's also discussed here: http://www.nczonline.net/blog/2009/06/23/loading-javascript-without-blocking/这里也有讨论: http://www.nczonline.net/blog/2009/06/23/loading-javascript-without-blocking/

I know how to get notified once the file has been loaded and executed我知道如何在文件加载和执行后得到通知

What I don't know is that if the link to the Javascript source file is broken how can I be notified.我不知道的是,如果 Javascript 源文件的链接被破坏,我将如何收到通知。


Listening for events on script elements is not considered reliable ( Source ).侦听脚本元素上的事件被认为是不可靠的( Source )。 One option that comes to mind is to use setTimeout() to poll for a variable that you expect to be defined in your external script.想到的一种选择是使用setTimeout()来轮询您希望在外部脚本中定义的变量。 After x seconds, you could timeout your poll and consider the script as broken. x秒后,您可以超时轮询并认为脚本已损坏。

External Script: file.js:外部脚本:file.js:

var MyLibrary = { };

Main document:主要文件:

var poll;
var timeout = 100; // 10 seconds timeout
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = 'file.js';

poll = function () {
  setTimeout(function () {
    if (typeof MyLibrary !== 'undefined') {
      // External file loaded
    else if (timeout > 0) {
    else {
      // External library failed to load
  }, 100);

var script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.src = "file.js";

You need to add a callback for this script.您需要为此脚本添加回调。

1st: Create the call back:第一:创建回调:

function callbackFn(callbackArgs) = {
       console.log("script is loaded with the arguments below");

2nd: Add an event listener to the script.第二:向脚本添加事件侦听器。 Both Firefox and Chrome support onload event so you can use it like this: Firefox 和 Chrome 都支持 onload 事件,因此您可以像这样使用它:

script.onload = callbackFn();

For IE... You can add an event listener for a state change like this:对于 IE... 您可以为状态更改添加一个事件侦听器,如下所示:

script.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if ( this.readyState != "loaded" ) return;

Last: Append the script to the body like you used to do.最后:像以前一样将脚本附加到正文中。


For further information, please refer to this acticle .有关更多信息,请参阅此操作

It's pretty easy, Internet Explorer will trigger an onreadystatechange event while others will trigger a onload event for the script object.这很简单,Internet Explorer 将触发onreadystatechange事件,而其他人将触发脚本对象的onload事件。

var newScript;
var loadFunc = function ()
    alert("External Javascript File has been loaded");
newScript = document.createElement('script');

//IE triggers this event when the file is loaded
if (elm.attachEvent)
        if (newScript.readyState == 'complete' || newScript.readyState == 'loaded')

//Other browsers trigger this one
if (newScript.addEventListener)
    newScript.addEventListener('load', loadFunc, false);


Loading a script dynamically is much more simple:动态加载脚本要简单得多:

var script = document.createElement('script');
script.onload = function () {
  main_function();  // Main function to call or anything else or nothing  
script.src = "yourscript.js";

You can append an onload attribute and in that attribute, you can call a function which will be executed after the JS file has loaded.您可以附加一个onload属性,在该属性中,您可以调用一个函数,该函数将在 JS 文件加载后执行。

Check the code:检查代码:

var jsElement = document.createElement("script");
jsElement.type = "application/javascript";
jsElement.src = "http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js";
function getMeAll(){
    //your code goes here

Hope this helps.希望这会有所帮助。

In the onload event, there are status codes.在 onload 事件中,有状态码。 200 is good, 404 as you may recall means a file is not found. 200 是好的,您可能还记得 404 表示找不到文件。 Helpful?有用吗?


Recently in my vue.js project I tried to something like this, I am using es6 so make sure you have the setup.最近在我的 vue.js 项目中,我尝试了这样的操作,我使用的是 es6,所以请确保你有设置。 This is just vanilla javascript, so this should run without any issue.这只是普通的 javascript,所以它应该运行没有任何问题。

function handleLoad() {
  // on scirpt loaded logic goes here

function handleLoadError(yourScript) {
  // on scirpt loading error logic goes here

  // remove the script element from DOM if it has some error

function generatePan(token) {
  // if script does not exist only then append script to DOM
  if (!document.getElementById('your-script')) {
    const yourScript = document.createElement('script');
    yourScript.setAttribute('src', 'https://your-script.js');
    yourScript.setAttribute('id', 'your-script');
    yourScript.async = true;
    yourScript.addEventListener('load', () => handleLoad(), false);
    yourScript.addEventListener('error', () => handleLoadError(yourScript), false);

  } else {
    // runs if script is already loaded DOM

Also, please check this link , even this may help.另外,请检查此链接,即使这可能会有所帮助。

Sorry for the necroposting, but this was my first hit for this exact situation and I believe I have found a better answer: (at least) now you can do the onload event callback from any HTML element to execute code after loaded into the DOM, and you can use it like this:抱歉发布了 necroposting,但这是我针对这种确切情况的第一次点击,我相信我找到了一个更好的答案:(至少)现在你可以从任何 HTML 元素执行onload事件回调以在加载到 DOM 后执行代码,你可以这样使用它:

const script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.src = "file.js";
script.onload(() => {
    // ...whatever you want to excecute after loadinng the script

What JavaScript library do you use?你使用什么 JavaScript 库?

In jQuery if you load the script via Ajax, you have an option to run a success callback function (and other types of callbacks)...在 jQuery 中,如果您通过 Ajax 加载脚本,则可以选择运行成功回调函数(和其他类型的回调)...

There is also a dedicated function for loading scripts: $.getScript()还有一个专门的脚本加载函数:$.getScript()

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