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[英]reading char by char


char c;
std::string output;

while(std::cin >> c)
   if(c == 'a')
      c = '*';

   output += c;


Depending on your purposes, you may find it adequate to do this: 根据您的目的,您可能会发现这样做足够:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

char c;

std::cin >> std::noskipws;

while (std::cin >> c)
    std::cout << c == 'a' ? '*' : c;

See http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/iostream/manipulators/noskipws/ for further details of noskipws, which is crucial as otherwise operator>> will skip over spaces, tabs and newlines until it finds other characters to put in 'c', resulting in all the aforementioned whitespace characters being removed from your output. 有关noskipws的更多详细信息,请参见http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/iostream/manipulators/noskipws/ ,这是至关重要的,否则操作符>>会跳过空格,制表符和换行符,直到找到要放入' c',导致所有上述空白字符从您的输出中删除。

Try writing out to a type of char. 尝试写出一种char类型。

char cReadFromStream;

stream >> cReadFromStream;

You cannot. 你不能。 operator << uses cooked inputs. operator <<使用煮熟的输入。

However, if you really meant you are looking for a solution using C++ iostreams and not C stdio functions, then use cin.get() which is the C++ iostreams equivalent to getchar . 但是,如果您确实要寻找使用C ++ iostreams而不是C stdio函数的解决方案,请使用cin.get() ,它是等效于getchar的C ++ iostreams。

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