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[英]Drupal: adding custom content type into a view

I'm very new to drupal (started yesterday), I have created a content type called question and have added some questions. 我是drupal的新手(从昨天开始),我创建了一个称为问题的内容类型,并添加了一些问题。 I want to create a question view page. 我想创建一个问题视图页面。 When I go to add view -> node -> next. 当我去添加视图->节点->下一个。 I select a page view but here is where I get confused. 我选择了一个页面视图,但这里是我感到困惑的地方。 I'm not sure how/where to choose that it's questions I want to list. 我不确定如何/在何处选择要列出的问题。

Can someone help me? 有人能帮我吗?

Thanks, 谢谢,

Jonesy Jonesy

You use the Filter by section to reduce the results. 您可以使用“筛选依据”部分来减少结果。 For example, Filter by: Node Type: (your node type) will reduce the results down to nodes of that type. 例如,“筛选依据:节点类型:(您的节点类型)”会将结果减少到该类型的节点。

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