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[英]Drupal custom content type is not displayed

I am building a website using drupal which allows users to create projects and then invite other users to join their projects. 我正在使用drupal构建一个网站,该网站允许用户创建项目,然后邀请其他用户加入他们的项目。

I have created a content type- "project" for the main task. 我为主要任务创建了一个内容类型“项目”。 I can successfully edit this content type and publish it, however, when I get to the screen pictured here: http://imgur.com/t49pl the "view" tab is always empty. 我可以成功编辑此内容类型并发布它,但是,当我进入如图所示的屏幕时: http : //imgur.com/t49pl “视图”选项卡始终为空。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

what tulvit said, however... 图尔维特说了什么,但是...

I would recommend creating a View to display this content anyway. 我建议还是创建一个视图以显示此内容。 anything generated by the node is always difficult to present as you want, so to solve this issue, just create a View to output the content. 节点生成的任何内容总是很难按您的意愿呈现,因此要解决此问题,只需创建一个View以输出内容。

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