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[英]Does setting a bit collide with concurrent sets of other bits on the same word?

  1. Say I have a bitmap, and several threads (running on several CPUs) are setting bits on it. 假设我有一个位图,并且几个线程(在多个CPU上运行)正在设置位。 No synchronization is used, and no atomic operations. 没有使用同步,也没有原子操作。 Also, no resets are done. 此外,没有重置。 To my understanding, when two threads are trying to set two bits on the same word, only one operation would eventually stick. 据我所知,当两个线程试图在同一个字上设置两个位时,最终只会有一个操作。 The reason is that for a bit to be set, the whole word should be read and written back, and so when both reads are done at the same time, when writing back one operation would override the other. 原因是对于要设置的位,应该读取和写回整个字,因此当两个读取同时完成时,当写回时,一个操作将覆盖另一个操作。 Is that correct? 那是对的吗?

  2. If the above is true, is it always so for byte operations as well? 如果上述情况属实,那么字节操作也是如此吗? Namely, if a word is 2 bytes, and each thread tries to set a different byte to 1, will they too override each other when done concurrently, or do some systems support writing back the results to only a part of a word? 也就是说,如果一个单词是2个字节,并且每个线程都试图将不同的字节设置为1,那么当它们同时完成时它们是否也会相互覆盖,或者某些系统是否支持将结果写回到单词的一部分?

Reason for asking is trying to figure out how much space do I have to give up in order to omit synchronization in bit/byte/word-map operations. 询问的原因是试图弄清楚我必须放弃多少空间才能省略位/字节/字映射操作中的同步。

In short, it's very CPU and compiler dependent. 简而言之,它非常依赖于CPU和编译器。

Say you have a 32-bit value containing zero, and thread A wants to set bit 0 and thread B wants to set bit 1. 假设您有一个包含零的32位值,并且线程A想要设置位0而线程B想要设置位1。

As you describe, these are read-modify-write operations, and the synchronization issue is 'what happens if they collide'. 如您所述,这些是读取 - 修改 - 写入操作,同步问题是“如果它们发生冲突会发生什么”。

The case you need to avoid is this: 你需要避免的情况是这样的:

A: Reads (gets 0)
B: Reads (also gets zero)
A: Logical-OR bit 0, result = 1
A: Writes 1
B: Logical-OR bit 1, result = 2
B: Writes 2 - oops, should have been 3

... when the correct result is this... ......当正确的结果是......

A: Reads (gets 0)
A: Logical-OR bit 0, result = 1
A: Writes 1
B: Reads (gets 1)
B: Logical-OR bit 1, result = 2
B: Writes 3 - correct

On some processors, the read-modify write will be three separate instructions, so you WILL need synchronization. 在某些处理器上,读 - 修改写将是三个单独的指令,因此您将需要同步。 On others, it will be a single atomic instruction. 在其他方面,它将是一个单一的原子指令。 On multiple Core/CPU systems it will be a single instruction BUT other cores/CPUs may be able to access, so again you will need synchronization. 在多个Core / CPU系统上,它将是单个指令,但其他内核/ CPU可能能够访问,因此您将需要同步。

Doing it with bytes can be the same. 用字节做它可以是一样的。 In some processor memory architectures, you can only write a 32-bit memory value, so byte updates require a read-modify-write as before. 在某些处理器内存架构中,您只能写入32位内存值,因此字节更新需要像以前一样进行读取 - 修改 - 写入。

Update for X86 architecture (and windows, specifically) 更新X86架构(和Windows,特别是)

Windows provides a set of atomic "Interlocked" operations on 32-bit values, including Logical OR . Windows在32位值上提供一组原子“Interlocked”操作,包括Logical OR These could be a big help to you in avoiding critical sections. 这些可以帮助您避免关键部分。 but beware, because as Raymond Chen points out, they don't solve everything . 但要注意,因为Raymond Chen指出, 他们并没有解决所有问题 Keeping reading that post until you understand it! 保持阅读该帖子,直到你明白它!

The specifics will be system-dependent, and possibly compiler-dependent. 具体细节将取决于系统,并且可能依赖于编译器。 I imagine you might have to go all the way to a 32-bit integer before you are free from the effects you fear. 我想你可能不得不一直走到32位整数,然后才能摆脱你所担心的影响。

  1. I believe this is true, for the reasons you specified. 由于您指定的原因,我认为这是真的。

  2. The way I see it, if your bitmap is stored as a char[] , and if your architecture is byte addressable (it's possible to read and write an individual byte in memory, without having to read an entire word), then the compiler may generate an atomic operation. 我看到它的方式,如果你的位图存储为char[] ,并且你的架构是字节可寻址的(它可以在内存中读取和写入单个字节,而不必读取整个单词),那么编译器可能生成原子操作。 Even so, it's completely implementation-defined, so you can't rely on it. 即便如此,它仍然完全由实现定义,所以你不能依赖它。

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