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[英]Using GEO coordinates in C# to draw map

He, 他,

I want to draw a Countrymap in C# with LAT/LNG coordinates. 我想用CAT和LAT / LNG坐标绘制一个Countrymap。 I have to translate the lat/lng to pixels, what would be the best way? 我必须将lat / lng翻译成像素,最好的方法是什么? I can draw the 'Map' but it's very small and it's not in the center of the window. 我可以绘制'地图'但它非常小而且它不在窗口的中心。

Can someone help? 有人可以帮忙吗? I have this code: 我有这个代码:

    void draw(Graphics g, PointF[] points, Pen p)
        Graphics gfx = g;
        gfx.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Point;

        GraphicsPath gpath = new GraphicsPath();

        Matrix m = new Matrix();
        m.Scale(5, 5);

        gfx.Transform = m;
        gfx.DrawPath(p, gpath);            


You will need to choose a map projection (eg. Mercator, Cylindrical Equal Area, or Mollweide) and then transform the coordinates from geographic lat,LNG to use this projection. 您需要选择地图投影(例如墨卡托,圆柱等面积或Mollweide),然后转换地理纬度,LNG的坐标以使用此投影。

The standard open source library for this is proj.4. 这个标准的开源库是proj.4。 I understand there are C# wrappers around, ut personally I've used OGR with the ogrsharp wrappers. 我知道有C#包装器,我个人已经使用OGR和ogrsharp包装器。 OGR uses proj.4 internally but also adds a lot of used functions when you want to work with specific coordinate systems (eg defined in a prj file). OGR在内部使用proj.4,但是当你想使用特定的坐标系(例如在prj文件中定义)时,它还会添加许多使用过的函数。

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