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Python / Numpy MemoryError

[英]Python/Numpy MemoryError

Basically, I am getting a memory error in python when trying to perform an algebraic operation on a numpy matrix. 基本上,当我尝试在numpy矩阵上执行代数运算时,我在python中遇到内存错误。 The variable u , is a large matrix of double (in the failing case its a 288x288x156 matrix of doubles. I only get this error in this huge case, but I am able to do this on other large matrices, just not this big). 变量u ,是一个双倍的大矩阵(在失败的情况下,它是一个288x288x156的双精度矩阵。我只在这个巨大的情况下得到这个错误,但我能够在其他大矩阵上做到这一点,只是不是这么大)。 Here is the Python error: 这是Python错误:

 Traceback (most recent call last):

 File "S:\3D_Simulation_Data\Patient SPM Segmentation\20 pc
t perim erosion flattop\SwSim.py", line 121, in __init__

 File "S:\3D_Simulation_Data\Patient SPM Segmentation\20 pc
t perim erosion flattop\SwSim.py", line 309, in mainSimLoop
   u = solver.solve_cg(u,b,tensors,param,fdHold,resid) # Solve the left hand si
de of the equation Au=b with conjugate gradient method to approximate u

 File "S:\3D_Simulation_Data\Patient SPM Segmentation\20 pc
t perim erosion flattop\conjugate_getb.py", line 47, in solv

u = u + alpha*p


u = u + alpha*p is the line of code that fails. u = u + alpha*p是失败的代码行。

alpha is just a double, while u and r are the large matrices described above (both of the same size). alpha只是一个double,而ur是上面描述的大矩阵(两者都是相同的大小)。

I don't know that much about memory errors especially in Python. 我对内存错误知之甚少,特别是在Python中。 Any insight/tips into solving this would be very appreciated! 任何有关解决此问题的见解/提示都将非常感激!

Thanks 谢谢

Rewrite to 改写为

p *= alpha
u += p

and this will use much less memory. 这将使用更少的内存。 Whereas p = p*alpha allocates a whole new matrix for the result of p*alpha and then discards the old p ; p = p*alphap*alpha的结果分配一个全新的矩阵,然后丢弃旧的p ; p*= alpha does the same thing in place. p*= alpha做同样的事情。

In general, with big matrices, try to use op= assignment. 通常,对于大矩阵,请尝试使用op= assignment。

Another tip I have found to avoid memory errors is to manually control garbage collection . 我发现避免内存错误的另一个技巧是手动控制垃圾收集 When objects are deleted or go our of scope, the memory used for these variables isn't freed up until a garbage collection is performed. 当删除对象或使用我们的范围时,在执行垃圾收集之前,不会释放用于这些变量的内存。 I have found with some of my code using large numpy arrays that I get a MemoryError, but that I can avoid this if I insert calls to gc.collect() at appropriate places. 我发现我的一些代码使用了大型的numpy数组,我得到了一个MemoryError,但是如果我在适当的地方插入对gc.collect()的调用,我可以避免这种情况。

You should only look into this option if using "op=" style operators etc doesn't solve your problem as it's probably not the best coding practice to have gc.collect() calls everywhere. 如果使用“op =”样式运算符等不能解决您的问题,您应该只考虑此选项,因为它可能不是最好的编码实践,让gc.collect()调用到处。

Your matrix has 288x288x156=12,939,264 entries, which for double could come out to 400MB in memory. 你的矩阵有288x288x156 = 12,939,264个条目,其中double可以在内存中达到400MB。 numpy throwing a MemoryError at you just means that in the function you called the memory needed to perform the operation wasn't available from the OS. numpy抛出一个MemoryError就意味着在你调用的函数中,操作系统无法获得执行操作所需的内存。

If you can work with sparse matrices this might save you a lot of memory. 如果您可以使用稀疏矩阵,这可能会为您节省大量内存。

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