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如何使用vb.net在SQL Server中使用更新查询来更新特定记录?

[英]How to update particular record using update query in SQL Server with vb.net?

I have the query to retrieve selected record in textbox ./.. 我有查询以检索文本框./。中的选定记录。

How to use this query to update record : 如何使用此查询更新记录:

I want when I enter sumit in textbox1 and click submit button then the record with ID 1 will be updated to name sumit/// 我想在文本框1中输入sumit并单击“提交”按钮,然后将ID为1的记录更新为名称sumit ///

Dim SQLData As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\Database.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")
Dim cmdSelect As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT TOP 1 Name FROM Table1 Order by Id DESC", SQLData)
Dim dtrReader As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader()
If dtrReader.HasRows Then
   While dtrReader.Read()
      TextBox1.Text = dtrReader("Name")
   End While
   Response.Write("No customer found for the supplied ID.")
End If


Build a SqlCommand with a CommmandText like this 用这样的CommmandText构建SqlCommand

UPDATE FOO SET CustomerName = @CustomerName WHERE ID = @ID

then add two parameters to your commmand with values capture from inputs and run it after setting connection and opening it. 然后将两个参数添加到命令中,并从输入中捕获值,并在设置连接并打开它后运行它。

Take a look at this page and it will help you through your work done 看看这个页面 ,它将帮助您完成工作

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