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[英]And another one type error

sumOfSquare :: Int -> Int -> Int
sumOfSquare a b = a * a + b * b

hipotenuse :: Int -> Int -> Int
hipotenuse a b = truncate(sqrt(x))
           where x = fromIntegral(sumOfSquare a b)

squareCheck :: Int -> Bool
squareCheck n = truncate(sqrt(x)) * truncate(sqrt(x)) == n
         where x = fromIntegral n

isItSquare :: Int -> Int -> Bool
isItSquare a b = squareCheck (sumOfSquare a b)

calc :: (Integral a) => a -> [(a, a, a)]
calc a = [(x, y, (hipotenuse x y)) | x <- [1..a], y <-[1..a], (isItSquare x y)]

Error message: 错误信息:

Prelude> :load "some.hs"
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( some.hs, interpreted )

    Couldn't match expected type `Int' against inferred type `a'
      `a' is a rigid type variable bound by
          the type signature for `calc' at some.hs:15:18
    In the first argument of `isItSquare', namely `x'
    In the expression: (isItSquare x y)
    In a stmt of a list comprehension: (isItSquare x y)
Failed, modules loaded: none.

As I understand the type of 'x' and 'y'. 据我了解,“ x”和“ y”的类型。 Is it right? 这样对吗? Is it square require the Int. 是否需要Int的平方。 But what is the type 'x' and 'y'? 但是“ x”和“ y”是什么类型? I thinked they are Int. 我以为他们是Int。

Your type is too general. 您的类型太笼统了。 You are passing x and y to isItSquare , which is expecing Int s, but you don't know that x and y are Int s. 你逝去的xyisItSquare ,这是expecing Int S,但你不知道, xyInt秒。 They could be, but they could be any other instance of Integral as well. 它们可以是,但也可以是Integral任何其他实例。 Either change the signature to the more specific: 将签名更改为更具体:

calc :: Int -> [(Int, Int, Int)]

Or have your helper functions work on more general types: 或者让您的助手功能处理更通用的类型:

squareCheck :: (Integral a) => a -> Bool

You've declared sumOfSquare , hipotenuse , squareCheck and isItSquare as operating on Int . 您已将sumOfSquarehipotenusesquareCheckisItSquare为对Int

However, you've said that calc can use any type a , as long as a is Integral . 但是,您已经说过calc可以使用任何类型a ,只要aIntegral

Either declare calc like this: 可以这样声明calc

calc :: Int -> [(Int, Int, Int)]

...or change all your other functions like this: ...或像这样更改所有其他功能:

sumOfSquare :: (Integral a) => a -> a -> a
calc :: (Integral a) => a -> [(a, a, a)]
calc a = [(x, y, (hipotenuse x y)) | x <- [1..a], y <-[1..a], (isItSquare x y)]

a has type a (the signature explicitly says so, that's what "is a rigid type variable bound by the type signature for calc " means), and x is taken from the list [1..a] , so it also has type a (and same for y ). a具有类型a (签名明确表示,这就是“是由calc的类型签名绑定的刚性类型变量”的意思),并且x从列表[1..a] ,因此它也具有类型a (与y相同)。

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