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在HTML5 Canvas中,我可以让y轴上升而不是下降吗?

[英]In HTML5 Canvas, can I make the y axis go up rather than down?

I'm drawing a graph in Canvas and struggling with the fact that the y-axis is "backward." 我正在Canvas中绘制一个图形,并且正在努力解决y轴“向后”的问题。 The origin is in the top-left corner, and increasing values go down rather than up. 原点位于左上角,增加值下降而不是上升。

(0,0)            (x,0)       (0,y) ^
      +-------------->             |
      |                            |
      |    CANVAS                  |     INSTEAD
      |    DOES THIS               |     OF THIS
      |                            |
      |                            +----------------->
(0,y) v                       (0,0)              (x,0) 

I know that I can move the origin to the bottom-left corner using translate(). 我知道我可以使用translate()将原点移动到左下角。

context.translate(0, canvas.height);

And I know that I can invert the y-axis using scale(). 而且我知道我可以使用scale()反转y轴。

context.scale(1, -1);

That seems to work, except that it causes text to appear upside-down. 这似乎有效,除了它导致文本颠倒。 Is there a way to make Canvas's coordinates work the way I expect? 有没有办法让Canvas的坐标按照我期望的方式工作?

For more modern setup, you can use context.transform(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, canvas.height) . 对于更现代的设置,您可以使用context.transform(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, canvas.height) This flips y axis and moves the whole canvas one screenful. 这会翻转y轴并将整个画布移动一屏。

More on available transformations: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/transform 有关可用转换的更多信息: https//developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/transform

I think you'd do much better to just get used to it. 我认为你做得更好,只是习惯它。 The origin is in the top left with most pixel-based video/screen APIs. 原点位于左上方,大多数基于像素的视频/屏幕API。

Here's a discussion on the subject . 这是关于这个主题的讨论

Plot graph_height - y . 绘图graph_height - y

eg: http://jsfiddle.net/nVUUM/ 例如: http//jsfiddle.net/nVUUM/


var e = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0];
var c = e.getContext('2d');

function plot(x,y) {
  c.fillRect(x, e.height-y, 5, 5);  


It depends on where you put the .scale I just tried this and it didn't work at first. 这取决于你把.scale放在哪里我刚刚尝试了这个并且它起初没有用。 You need to put the .scale between the moveTo(); 你需要把.scale放在moveTo()之间;

ctx.arc(50,50,50,0,2*Math.PI); ctx.moveTo(50,50); ctx.scale(1,-1); ctx.lineTo(50,100); ctx.stroke();

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