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[英]How to use Resharper to localize XAML strings

I use Reshaper 5.1.1 to extract strings to resource files in my Silverlight app. 我使用Reshaper 5.1.1将字符串提取到Silverlight应用程序中的资源文件。 I want to be able to extract strings in my XAML (like Content or Text properties) - but the Move option under Resharper is never enabled when I am viewing XAML. 我希望能够提取XAML中的字符串(例如Content或Text属性)-但是在查看XAML时,从不启用Resharper下的Move选项。 It does not identify possible text strings for extraction. 它不会识别可能要提取的文本字符串。

I have done extensive searching but can't seem to find much about R# and localizing XAML files. 我已经进行了广泛的搜索,但是似乎找不到太多有关R#和本地化XAML文件的信息。 Is it possible, and how can I enable it? 有可能吗,我该如何启用呢? (I checked all my settings and there's nothing about XAML and resources). (我检查了所有设置,关于XAML和资源一无所获)。

According to R# support forums , XAML string extraction is only possible in WPF, not Silverlight! 根据R#支持论坛 ,XAML字符串提取只能在WPF中进行,而不能在Silverlight中进行! This is very annoying... there is another tool called Resource Refactor (or similar) on CodePlex which does the job until R# support SL. 这很烦人……CodePlex上还有另一个称为“资源重构”(或类似)的工具,该工具会一直工作到R#支持SL。

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