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Ruby on Rails:干燥重复的代码块以初始化一些变量

[英]Ruby on Rails: DRYing a repeated code block that initializes a few variables

I've got a repeated code block that initializes a few variables in a bunch of different controller methods. 我有一个重复的代码块,该代码块初始化了一堆不同的控制器方法中的一些变量。 Is there a way for me to make this DRY with a model method as opposed to repeating the same code block in each controller method? 有没有一种方法可以使我使用模型方法进行DRY,而不是在每个控制器方法中重复相同的代码块?

Basically, it's for a social site, and it's pulling up a user's list of friends, and then building buckets of friends based on the permissions the user has which are stored in a friendship model. 基本上,它是针对社交网站的,它会拉出用户的朋友列表,然后根据用户拥有的存储在友谊模型中的权限来构建朋友群。 This repeated initialization of buckets is what I'm trying to make DRY. 重复进行的存储桶初始化是我要使之干燥的原因。

Normally I would use a model method, but in this case, 3 separate variables are being initialized based on one database pull, and this is called often enough I don't want to make it unnecessarily inefficient by hitting the database 3 times. 通常,我会使用模型方法,但是在这种情况下,将基于一个数据库请求初始化3个单独的变量,这被称为足够多了,我不想通过打3次数据库来使其不必要地效率低下。 In C, I would just use pointers passed in as variables. 在C语言中,我只会使用传入的指针作为变量。

It goes something like this: 它是这样的:

def example_method
  friendships = @user.friendships
  view_permission_friends = []
  write_permission_friends = []
  message_permission_friends = []
  for friendship in friendships
    if friendship.view_permission then view_permission_friends << friendship.friend_id end
    if friendship.write_permission then write_permission_friends << friendship.friend_id end
    if friendship.message_permission then message_permission_friends << friendship.friend_id end
  #Do something with the 3 initialized arrays here

I thought about it for a bit, and I think this code should go into your User model. 我考虑了一下,我认为这段代码应该进入您的用户模型。 (Or whatever class @user is in your example above.) Two reasons: (或上面的示例中的@user类。)两个原因:

  1. It's very specific to the User, its relationships, and most importantly, how they're stored in and retrieved from the database. 它非常特定于用户,其关系,最重要的是,它们如何存储在数据库中以及如何从数据库中检索出来。
  2. You only need to write the code once: in the User model. 您只需要编写一次代码:在用户模型中。

The quick and easy way which relies on Rails' internal query caching would look like this. 依赖Rails内部查询缓存的快速简便的方法如下所示。 Added into the User model: 添加到用户模型中:

def view_permission_friends
  return friendships.select{|f| f.view_permission}


Your controllers then simply do this: 然后,您的控制器只需执行以下操作:

@viewers = @user.view_permission_friends

(Note - there's more room for optimization and better flexibility here via lazy caching and parameterizing the permission.) (请注意-通过惰性缓存和参数化权限,这里有更多的优化空间和更好的灵活性。)

How about... 怎么样...

rv = {}
%w(view write message).each do |type|
  rv["#{type}_permission_friends"] = @user.friendships.select{|f|f.send(:"#{type}_permission")}.collect(&:friend_id)

This gives you a hash with keys instead of individual arrays, but should suffice. 这为您提供了一个带有键而不是单个数组的散列,但足够了。

Use Enumerable#inject , Enumerable#find_all and Object#instance_variable_set : 使用Enumerable#injectEnumerable#find_allObject#instance_variable_set

def example_method
  %w{view write message}.inject({}) do |memo, s|
    friendships = @user.friendships.find_all{ |f| f.send("#{s}_permission") }
    memo["#{s}_permission_friends"] = friendships
  end.each do |key, value|
    instance_variable_set "@#{key}", value

  # now you have 3 arrays:
  # @view_permission_friends, @write_permission_friends and @message_permission_friends

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