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[英]Flash game engine

I need simple game engine with pixel-perfect collision detection, camera component with following function, network and particle components would be desirable. 我需要具有像素完美碰撞检测功能的简单游戏引擎,具有以下功能的摄像机组件,网络和粒子组件。 Anyone knows whether the engine right under these requirements? 有人知道发动机是否符合这些要求吗?

I recommend either Flixel or Flashpunk . 我推荐FlixelFlashpunk The Flash Game Dojo is a great place to find out about both of these libraries... Flash游戏Dojo是了解这两个库的好地方...

FlashPunk is able to do exactly what you want. FlashPunk能够完全满足您的需求。 Furthermore, the FlashPunk Community is lovely awesome and really helpful. 此外, FlashPunk社区非常棒,确实很有帮助。

Pixelmask is easily implementable in FlashPunk, all you have to do is pass a BitmapData to the mask property of an Entity and the rest will be handled for you. Pixelmask在FlashPunk中很容易实现,您要做的就是将BitmapData传递给Entitymask属性,其余的将为您处理。 More information in the docs: net.flashpunk.masks.Pixelmask . 文档中的更多信息: net.flashpunk.masks.Pixelmask

For camera, following would be translated as this in your entity: 对于相机,以下内容将在您的实体中翻译为:

override public function update():void
    FP.camera.x = x;
    FP.camera.y = y;

And if you want easing and that stuff, you can use FlashPunk Tweens or take a look at the view class from the Advanced Platform Engine . 如果你想缓和与这些东西,你可以用FlashPunk Tweens或看看从视图类高级平台引擎

Particle Emitters are supported by default as well. 默认情况下也支持粒子发射器。 Here you have a comprehensive tutorial about FlashPunk Emitters . 在这里,您可以获得有关FlashPunk发射器综合教程

About Network… I'm sad that there's no included network system on FlashPunk. 关于网络…很遗憾FlashPunk中没有附带的网络系统。 Luckily, there are a lot of Network systems for AS3 which you can adapt very easily for FlashPunk. 幸运的是,有许多AS3网络系统,您可以很容易地将它们适应FlashPunk。 SmartFoxServer and Player.IO are good examples of AS3 Network systems. SmartFoxServerPlayer.IO是AS3网络系统的很好示例。

There's this question on gamedev stackexchange. gamedev stackexchange上存在这个问题。 Unfortunately it only got 2 answers. 不幸的是,它只有2个答案。

However, there's: 但是,有:
Flixel Flixel
Pushbutton 按键
Flashpunk 快朋克

A comparison of Flixel and Flashpunk. Flixel和Flashpunk的比较。

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