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[英]Killing Java Process from C# Console App

I hate to post about this again but I answered my own last post thinking I fixed it (which I didn't). 我不想再发表此文章,但我回答了我自己的最后一篇文章,以为我已解决(我没有)。 Basically when my c# .NET application shuts down, I want to remove the running Java process that it created. 基本上,当我的c#.NET应用程序关闭时,我想删除它创建的正在运行的Java进程。 The initial problem was that I was trying to save processID to a static class member variable (which obviously didnt work). 最初的问题是我试图将processID保存到静态的类成员变量(显然不起作用)。 I found a Global Class example online and used that instead, however it still isn't shutting down the process. 我在线找到了一个Global Class示例,并使用了它,但是它仍然没有关闭该过程。

Debugging it isn't working properly. 调试它无法正常工作。 I guess it just creates a new instance of the application rather than running the one that I built, and even setting the working directory to the "Bin" directory doesn't work. 我猜它只是创建应用程序的一个新实例,而不是运行我构建的实例,甚至将工作目录设置为“ Bin”目录也不起作用。 So I am just having to run my .exe from the Bin directory at the moment. 因此,我现在只需要从Bin目录运行.exe。

namespace MinecraftDaemon
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Starting Minecraft Daemon...");

            Arguments CommandLine = new Arguments(args);

            // Hook ProcessExit Event
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(Current_ProcessExit);

            if (CommandLine["file"] != null && CommandLine["memory"] != null)
                // Launch the Application (Command Line Parameters)
                LaunchMinecraft(CommandLine["file"], CommandLine["memory"]);
                // Launch the Application (Default Parameters)
                LaunchMinecraft("minecraft_server.jar", "1024");

        public static void LaunchMinecraft(String file, String memoryValue)
            String memParams = "-Xmx" + memoryValue + "M" + " -Xms" + memoryValue + "M ";
            String args = memParams + "-jar " + file + " nogui";
            ProcessStartInfo processInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("java.exe", args);
            processInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
            processInfo.UseShellExecute = false;

                using (Process minecraftProcess = Process.Start(processInfo))
                    GlobalClass.ProcessID = minecraftProcess.Id;
                    Console.WriteLine("Process ID is " + GlobalClass.ProcessID);
                // Log Error

        static void Current_ProcessExit(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Loop the Current Windows Processes
            foreach (Process winProcess in Process.GetProcesses())
                Console.WriteLine("WinProcessID is " + winProcess.Id + " GlobalClass.ProcessID is " + GlobalClass.ProcessID);

                // If this is our Process, shut it down
                if (winProcess.Id == GlobalClass.ProcessID)


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