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[英]Simple way to delete users account?

Is there a simple way or code to delete the account from a user? 有没有简单的方法或代码可以从用户中删除帐户? I want to delete the username, email address, first_name, last_name and the profile-data. 我要删除用户名,电子邮件地址,名字,姓氏和个人资料数据。

I do have two apps 我有两个应用

Thanks! 谢谢!

Are you looking to delete the user database record? 您是否要删除用户数据库记录? If so, search for it then call delete: 如果是这样,搜索它,然后调用delete:

user = User.objects.get(username='their_username')

Can You Explain What kind of application you Use? 您能解释一下您使用哪种应用程序吗? If you use some kind of database with your application then simply run delete query with some specific condition 如果您在应用程序中使用某种数据库,则只需运行具有特定条件的删除查询

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