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I want to convert this schema 我想转换这个架构

http://wfmc.org/standards/bpmnxpdl_31.xsd http://wfmc.org/standards/bpmnxpdl_31.xsd

to MySQL DDL statements. MySQL DDL语句。 Unfortunately, i don't have much time to do this. 不幸的是,我没有太多时间去做。

What would be the quickest and easiest way to accomplish this task? 完成这项任务的最快,最简单的方法是什么?

A couple questions already address this. 几个 问题已经解决了。

The problem is (may be) that an Xml Schema can represent structures that are not easily translated to a relational model in an automated way. 问题是(可能是)Xml Schema可以表示不容易以自动化方式转换为关系模型的结构。

However, Altova Xml Spy will try to. 但是, Altova Xml Spy会尝试。

There's an XSLT that will try as well. 还有一个XSLT也可以尝试。

I have not used either and therefore cannot comment on how well they may or may not work. 我也没有使用过,因此无法评论它们的工作效果如何。

No perfect solution for this. 没有完美的解决方案。 XMLSpy comes close but there is no fully automated way to convert XSD to DDL. XMLSpy已经接近了,但是没有将XSD转换为DDL的全自动方法。

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