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[英]Only replicate DDL in MySQL

I wonder if there is any easy way to keep the scheme consistent in two different MySQL clusters.我想知道是否有任何简单的方法可以使方案在两个不同的 MySQL 集群中保持一致。 Apart from classic replication, I would like to have a special "replication" which would reproduce all DDL queries (CREATE, ALTER, DROP, ...) on another cluster (namely the master of that cluster).除了经典复制之外,我还想有一个特殊的“复制”,它将在另一个集群(即该集群的主集群)上重现所有 DDL 查询(CREATE、ALTER、DROP 等)。

I don't need the actual data to be replicated.我不需要复制实际数据。

Has anyone ever done or tried anything like this?有没有人做过或尝试过这样的事情?

You can filter replication in MySQL based upon the database in which a query was executed.您可以根据执行查询的数据库过滤 MySQL 中的复制。 That doesn't prevent you making changes in other databases, however;但是,这并不妨碍您在其他数据库中进行更改; So you can do;所以你可以这样做;

USE ddl_repl_db;

ALTER TABLE other_db.foo ADD COLUMN <etc>

This relies on you configuring your servers correctly.这取决于您正确配置服务器。 I haven't set up MySQL replication for a while, but IIRC you can both filter what you send out from the master for replication and what you accept on the slave.我已经有一段时间没有设置 MySQL 复制了,但是 IIRC 你既可以过滤从主服务器发出的用于复制的内容,也可以过滤你在从服务器上接受的内容。

Old but still high in search.旧但搜索量仍然很高。
So, on you DDL replica set all tables engine to BLACKHOLE因此,在您的 DDL 副本上将所有表引擎设置为BLACKHOLE

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