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为什么“decimal.Decimal('0')<1.0”在Python 2.6.5中产生False

[英]Why “decimal.Decimal('0') < 1.0” yields False in Python 2.6.5

In Python 2.6.5 the following expression yields False: 在Python 2.6.5中,以下表达式产生False:

>>> import decimal
>>> decimal.Decimal('0') < 1.0

Is there a rationale explaining why comparison of Decimal against float should behave like this? 是否有理由解释为什么Decimal与float的比较应该像这样?

From the documentation of the decimal module : 十进制模块文档

Changed in version 2.7: A comparison between a float instance x and a Decimal instance y now returns a result based on the values of x and y. 版本2.7中的更改:浮点实例x和Decimal实例y之间的比较现在返回基于x和y值的结果。 In earlier versions x < y returned the same (arbitrary) result for any Decimal instance x and any float instance y. 在早期版本中,x <y为任何Decimal实例x和任何float实例y返回相同(任意)的结果。

So it looks like that was a bug/missing feature and all you need to do is upgrade. 所以看起来这是一个错误/缺失的功能,你需要做的就是升级。

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