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[英]Using DirectShow to capture frames and OpenCV to Process

I have made two different solutions for Video-to-Image Capturing and was wondering if I could intertwine the best of both worlds. 我已经为视频到图像捕获制作了两种不同的解决方案,并且想知道我是否可以将这两个世界中的优点交织在一起。 I am currently using DirectShow to load in an AVI file and capture images. 我目前正在使用DirectShow加载AVI文件并捕获图像。 However, DirectShow's lack of image processing capabilities and the need to make additional filters have stopped me dead in my tracks. 然而,DirectShow缺乏图像处理能力以及制作额外过滤器的需求已经让我陷入了困境。

I then turned to OpenCV. 然后我转向OpenCV。

It has all the image processing functions I need, but it has trouble loading in the videos that the DirectShow solution was able to retrieve. 它具有我需要的所有图像处理功能,但在DirectShow解决方案能够检索的视频中加载时遇到问题。 Are there any tutorials online about this process or anything close to it? 是否有关于此过程或其他任何内容的在线教程? Thanks for any advice. 谢谢你的建议。

是的,这是一篇文章的链接: http//opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/DirectShow

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