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[英]Display thumbnails in C#

I am working on an album viewer using C#. 我正在使用C#制作相册查看器。 As part of the application, I need to have all the images of the selected folder to be displayed as thumbnails. 作为应用程序的一部分,我需要将所选文件夹的所有图像显示为缩略图。 I dont know how to create the thumbnails. 我不知道如何创建缩略图。

Any code or links or suggestions to accomplish the functionality would be really helpful. 完成功能的任何代码,链接或建议将非常有帮助。 Thank You. 谢谢。

public System.Drawing.Image GetThumbnailImage(int thumbWidth, int thumbHeight, System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort callback, System.IntPtr callbackData)
    Member of System.Drawing.Image

Returns a thumbnail for this System.Drawing.Image.

thumbWidth: The width, in pixels, of the requested thumbnail image.
thumbHeight: The height, in pixels, of the requested thumbnail image.
callback: A System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort delegate. In GDI+ version 1.0, the delegate is not used. Even so, you must create a delegate and pass a reference to that delegate in this parameter.
callbackData: Must be System.IntPtr.Zero.

An System.Drawing.Image that represents the thumbnail.
    public PartialViewResult DisplayGalleryThumbs(string galleryId)
        int pageNumber = Convert.ToInt32(galleryId.Split('_')[2]);
        Guid feedId = new Guid(galleryId.Split('_')[1]);
        var images = _feedDomain.ShowPostById(feedId.ToString()).Images;

        int totalNumberOfPages = CountNumberOfPages(images);

        string action = galleryId.Split('_')[3];

        var dict = new Dictionary<int, List<FeedImage>>();
        var pagedImages = new List<FeedImage>();
        int i = 1;
        int a = 1;
        foreach (FeedImage image in images)
            if (i % NumberOfImagesPerPage == 0)
                dict.Add(a, pagedImages);
                pagedImages=new List<FeedImage>();
            if (i >= images.Count()) dict.Add(a, pagedImages);
        if (action=="next")
            pageNumber += 1;
            pageNumber -= 1;

        var galleryModel = new FeedThumbGalleryModel
                                   Images = dict.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Key == pageNumber).Value,
                                   FeedId = feedId,
                                   PageNumber = pageNumber,
                                   NumberOfPages = totalNumberOfPages,
                                   NumberOfImagesPerPage = NumberOfImagesPerPage,
                                   TotalNumberOfImages = images.Count()

        return PartialView("~/Views/Feed/_DisplayGalleryThumbs.cshtml", galleryModel);

@helper Render(FeedThumbGalleryModel model)

{ {

if (model.Images != null)

    string linkNext = "linkNext_" + model.FeedId + "_" + model.PageNumber + "_next";
    string linkPrev = "linkPrev_" + model.FeedId + "_" + model.PageNumber + "_prev";

    string thumbFeedId = "feedThumbDiv_" + model.FeedId;
    <div id="@thumbFeedId">
                <td style="width: 30px;vertical-align: top;">
                    @if (model.NumberOfPages > 1)
                        if (model.PageNumber <= model.NumberOfPages && model.PageNumber > 1 || model.PageNumber == model.NumberOfPages)
                            <a class="page-action" href="#" id="@linkPrev">Prev</a>
                <td style="width: 120px;vertical-align: top">
                    @if (model.NumberOfPages>1)
                         for (int a = 1; a <= model.NumberOfPages; a++)
                             int currentPage = a - 1;
                             string pageLink = "linkNext_" + model.FeedId + "_" + currentPage + "_next";
                             string classname = a==model.PageNumber ? "page-number-list" : "page-number-list1";

                             <a href="#" id="@pageLink" class="@classname">@a</a>

                <td style="width: 220px;vertical-align: top;">
                        @if (model.PageNumber < model.NumberOfPages)
                            <a class="page-action" href="#" id="@linkNext">Next</a>
                <td style="width: 150px;vertical-align: top;">
                    @{var thisId = "SeeAll_" + model.FeedId;}
                    @if (model.TotalNumberOfImages > 12)
                        <a id="@thisId" class="view-all">View All</a>

                <td style="vertical-align: top">
                    <div class="number-of-images">
                       @model.TotalNumberOfImages images  


                <td colspan="5">
                    <div style="width: 660px;padding-top: 10px">
                        @{int i = 1;}
                        @foreach (FeedImage m in model.Images)
                            string thumbThumb = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DisplayThumbPath"] + m.ImageId;
                            string imageUrl = "/feed/DisplayImage/" + model.FeedId + "_" + m.ImageId;

                            <div class="thumbnail image">
                                <a class='show-image' href="@imageUrl">
                                    <img border="0" class="image"  src="@thumbThumb" width="125" height="125" alt="" />

                            if (i % model.NumberOfImagesPerPage == 0)




} }

public class FeedImage

    public Guid ImageId { get; set; }
    public string ImageUrl { get; set; }
    public string ImageName { get; set; }
    public double ImageSize { get; set; }
    public string FileExtension { get; set; }
    public string ImageType { get; set; }
    public FeedPost Post { get; set; }
    public List<FeedLike> Likes { get; set; }
    public List<FeedComment> Comments { get; set; }
    public DateTime DateCreated { get; set; }
    public string DateCreatedIso8601 { get; set; }

private int CountNumberOfPages(List<FeedImage> images)
        if (images == null) return 0;

        return (images.Count() + NumberOfImagesPerPage - 1) / NumberOfImagesPerPage;

$("[class='page-action']").live('click', function () {
    var feedArr = $(this).attr('id').split('_');
    var thisDivId = '#feedThumbDiv_' + feedArr[1];

    $.post('/Feed/DisplayGalleryThumbs', { galleryId: $(this).attr('id') },
            function (html) {
    return false;

This is an ajax solution for thumbnail paging preview using MVC3. 这是使用MVC3进行缩略图分页预览的ajax解决方案。 Im using this for my news feed to list through image gallery. 我将其用于我的新闻提要以通过图片库列出。 Dont mind heavy use of tables in the view, my UI is a bit limited. 不要介意在视图中大量使用表,我的UI有点受限制。

check this article . 检查这篇文章 It may will help you... The code creates an Image object from the image supplied in the textbox. 这可能对您有帮助...该代码从文本框中提供的图像创建一个Image对象。 Using the Image.GetThumbnailImage(), the code then creates a thumbnail image with a size of 100*100. 然后使用Image.GetThumbnailImage(),代码创建大小为100 * 100的缩略图。

I suggest to you a way I used in the past: Use a ListView and dynamically load the images in the associated ImageList. 我向您建议我过去使用的一种方法:使用ListView并在关联的ImageList中动态加载图像。 You can load the image in a thumbnailized form by using the strategy proposed by rdkleine. 您可以使用rdkleine提出的策略以缩略图形式加载图像。 The important principle you have to follow is don't load all images if the user can't really see them. 您必须遵循的重要原则是如果用户看不到它们,则不要加载所有图像 Using a listview you achieve this by setting VirtualMode = true and feed the image only when it is actually displayed. 使用列表视图,可以通过设置VirtualMode = true实现此目的,并且仅在实际显示图像时才输入图像。

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