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Grails spring-security-core插件问题:User类中的密码不是字符串

[英]Grails spring-security-core plugin question: password in User class isn't String

I'm working on an application which stores password as byte[] in the db. 我正在开发将密码存储为db中的byte []的应用程序。 I can't change the db. 我无法更改数据库。 So my domain class has the following: 因此,我的域类具有以下内容:

String userId
byte[] userPasswd

I know i can customize the names of the properties in Config.groovy but what about using byte[] instead of String datatype for password property? 我知道我可以自定义Config.groovy中属性的名称,但是使用byte []代替String数据类型作为密码属性呢? In case this is not currently supported in the plugin, a work around would be highly appreciated. 如果插件当前不支持此功能,则非常感谢您解决该问题。

There are a few ways, but this seems the cleanest and requires no Config.groovy changes. 有几种方法,但这似乎是最干净的方法,不需要更改Config.groovy。

Change the persistent password property to another name like you did (userPasswd) but put in a getter for getPassword() that the plugin will use, and convert the byte array to a String there: 将持久性密码属性更改为另一个名称,就像您使用的一样(userPasswd),但将插件将使用的getPassword()的getter放入,然后将字节数组转换为String:

class User {

   String username
   byte[] userPasswd
   boolean enabled
   boolean accountExpired
   boolean accountLocked
   boolean passwordExpired

   static constraints = {
      username blank: false, unique: true
      password blank: false

   static transients = ['password']

   String getPassword() {
      userPasswd ? new String(userPasswd) : null

   Set<Role> getAuthorities() {
      UserRole.findAllByUser(this).collect { it.role } as Set

Adding 'password' to the transients list is important since the real persistent field is userPasswd. 将“密码”添加到瞬态列表很重要,因为真正的持久字段是userPasswd。

This will affect how you create users, eg 这将影响您创建用户的方式,例如

def user = new User(username: 'me', enabled: true,
   passwd: springSecurityService.encodePassword('password').bytes).save()

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