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[英]Can you identify this hash function written in javascript?

Can anyone identify this hash function? 有谁能识别这个哈希函数? It is written in Javascript. 它是用Javascript编写的。 I would like to duplicate it in another language (PHP). 我想用另一种语言(PHP)复制它。 I would find it hard to believe that a function as tedious as this was written by a human. 我觉得很难相信这个功能像人一样乏味。 The function is called "cValue"... maybe that will help. 该函数被称为“cValue”...也许这将有所帮助。 Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

function (s) {
    function L(b, a) {
        return (b << a) | (b >>> (32 - a))
    function K(k, b) {
        var F, a, d, x, c;
        d = (k & 2147483648);
        x = (b & 2147483648);
        F = (k & 1073741824);
        a = (b & 1073741824);
        c = (k & 1073741823) + (b & 1073741823);
        if (F & a) {
            return (c ^ 2147483648 ^ d ^ x)
        if (F | a) {
            if (c & 1073741824) {
                return (c ^ 3221225472 ^ d ^ x)
            } else {
                return (c ^ 1073741824 ^ d ^ x)
        } else {
            return (c ^ d ^ x)
    function r(a, c, b) {
        return (a & c) | ((~a) & b)
    function q(a, c, b) {
        return (a & b) | (c & (~b))
    function p(a, c, b) {
        return (a ^ c ^ b)
    function n(a, c, b) {
        return (c ^ (a | (~b)))
    function u(G, F, aa, Z, k, H, I) {
        G = K(G, K(K(r(F, aa, Z), k), I));
        return K(L(G, H), F)
    function f(G, F, aa, Z, k, H, I) {
        G = K(G, K(K(q(F, aa, Z), k), I));
        return K(L(G, H), F)
    function D(G, F, aa, Z, k, H, I) {
        G = K(G, K(K(p(F, aa, Z), k), I));
        return K(L(G, H), F)
    function t(G, F, aa, Z, k, H, I) {
        G = K(G, K(K(n(F, aa, Z), k), I));
        return K(L(G, H), F)
    function e(k) {
        var G;
        var d = k.length;
        var c = d + 8;
        var b = (c - (c % 64)) / 64;
        var F = (b + 1) * 16;
        var H = Array(F - 1);
        var a = 0;
        var x = 0;
        while (x < d) {
            G = (x - (x % 4)) / 4;
            a = (x % 4) * 8;
            H[G] = (H[G] | (k.charCodeAt(x) << a));
        G = (x - (x % 4)) / 4;
        a = (x % 4) * 8;
        H[G] = H[G] | (128 << a);
        H[F - 2] = d << 3;
        H[F - 1] = d >>> 29;
        return H
    function B(c) {
        var b = "",
            d = "",
            k, a;
        for (a = 0; a <= 3; a++) {
            k = (c >>> (a * 8)) & 255;
            d = "0" + k.toString(16);
            b = b + d.substr(d.length - 2, 2)
        return b
    function J(b) {
        b = b.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n");
        var a = "";
        for (var k = 0; k < b.length; k++) {
            var d = b.charCodeAt(k);
            if (d < 128) {
                a += String.fromCharCode(d)
            } else {
                if ((d > 127) && (d < 2048)) {
                    a += String.fromCharCode((d >> 6) | 192);
                    a += String.fromCharCode((d & 63) | 128)
                } else {
                    a += String.fromCharCode((d >> 12) | 224);
                    a += String.fromCharCode(((d >> 6) & 63) | 128);
                    a += String.fromCharCode((d & 63) | 128)
        return a
    var C = Array();
    var P, h, E, v, g, Y, X, W, V;
    var S = 7,
        Q = 12,
        N = 17,
        M = 22;
    var A = 5,
        z = 9,
        y = 14,
        w = 20;
    var o = 4,
        m = 11,
        l = 16,
        j = 23;
    var U = 6,
        T = 10,
        R = 15,
        O = 21;
    s = J(s);
    C = e(s);
    Y = 1732584193;
    X = 4023233417;
    W = 2562383102;
    V = 271733878;
    for (P = 0; P < C.length; P += 16) {
        h = Y;
        E = X;
        v = W;
        g = V;
        Y = u(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 0], S, 3614090360);
        V = u(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 1], Q, 3905402710);
        W = u(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 2], N, 606105819);
        X = u(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 3], M, 3250441966);
        Y = u(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 4], S, 4118548399);
        V = u(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 5], Q, 1200080426);
        W = u(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 6], N, 2821735955);
        X = u(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 7], M, 4249261313);
        Y = u(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 8], S, 1770035416);
        V = u(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 9], Q, 2336552879);
        W = u(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 10], N, 4294925233);
        X = u(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 11], M, 2304563134);
        Y = u(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 12], S, 1804603682);
        V = u(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 13], Q, 4254626195);
        W = u(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 14], N, 2792965006);
        X = u(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 15], M, 1236535329);
        Y = f(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 1], A, 4129170786);
        V = f(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 6], z, 3225465664);
        W = f(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 11], y, 643717713);
        X = f(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 0], w, 3921069994);
        Y = f(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 5], A, 3593408605);
        V = f(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 10], z, 38016083);
        W = f(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 15], y, 3634488961);
        X = f(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 4], w, 3889429448);
        Y = f(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 9], A, 568446438);
        V = f(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 14], z, 3275163606);
        W = f(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 3], y, 4107603335);
        X = f(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 8], w, 1163531501);
        Y = f(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 13], A, 2850285829);
        V = f(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 2], z, 4243563512);
        W = f(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 7], y, 1735328473);
        X = f(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 12], w, 2368359562);
        Y = D(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 5], o, 4294588738);
        V = D(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 8], m, 2272392833);
        W = D(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 11], l, 1839030562);
        X = D(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 14], j, 4259657740);
        Y = D(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 1], o, 2763975236);
        V = D(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 4], m, 1272893353);
        W = D(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 7], l, 4139469664);
        X = D(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 10], j, 3200236656);
        Y = D(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 13], o, 681279174);
        V = D(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 0], m, 3936430074);
        W = D(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 3], l, 3572445317);
        X = D(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 6], j, 76029189);
        Y = D(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 9], o, 3654602809);
        V = D(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 12], m, 3873151461);
        W = D(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 15], l, 530742520);
        X = D(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 2], j, 3299628645);
        Y = t(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 0], U, 4096336452);
        V = t(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 7], T, 1126891415);
        W = t(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 14], R, 2878612391);
        X = t(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 5], O, 4237533241);
        Y = t(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 12], U, 1700485571);
        V = t(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 3], T, 2399980690);
        W = t(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 10], R, 4293915773);
        X = t(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 1], O, 2240044497);
        Y = t(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 8], U, 1873313359);
        V = t(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 15], T, 4264355552);
        W = t(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 6], R, 2734768916);
        X = t(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 13], O, 1309151649);
        Y = t(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 4], U, 4149444226);
        V = t(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 11], T, 3174756917);
        W = t(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 2], R, 718787259);
        X = t(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 9], O, 3951481745);
        Y = K(Y, h);
        X = K(X, E);
        W = K(W, v);
        V = K(V, g)
    var i = B(Y) + B(X) + B(W) + B(V);
    return i.toLowerCase()

Defining this function as a() : 将此函数定义为a()

var a = /* what you posted */

And calling the following : 并呼吁以下内容:

a('this is another test just to be sure');

I get the three following results : 我得到以下三个结果:


A 32 characters long string immediatly looks like a md5 hash ; 一个32个字符长的字符串立即看起来像md5哈希 ; but let's verify a bit more. 但让我们再验证一下。

Calling this in PHP : 在PHP中调用它:

var_dump(md5('this is another test just to be sure'));

I get the following output : 我得到以下输出:

string '098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6' (length=32)
string '64a4e8faed1a1aa0bf8bf0fc84938d25' (length=32)
string '17733df129ee53bd321a323b0ae55401' (length=32)

Which are the three exact same results. 这三个完全相同的结果。

Of course, only three tests are not much, and you should do a couple more to be sure... But, as far as I cant tell, your function seems to be calculating a md5 hash -- and the corresponding PHP function is md5() ;-) 当然,只有三个测试并不多,你应该做更多的确定...但是,据我所知,你的函数似乎是在计算一个md5哈希 - 而相应的PHP函数是md5() ;-)

Due to the use of XOR in function K() and the multi-stage process of calling functions which all use K(), my best guess is that this is an implementation of some cryptographic algorithm. 由于在函数K()中使用XOR以及调用函数的多阶段过程都使用K(),我最好的猜测是这是一些加密算法的实现。 Also, since there only seems to be one multi-stage function, it is likely to be some form of hash-generator such as MD5 此外,由于似乎只有一个多阶段函数,它很可能是某种形式的哈希生成器,如MD5

MD5用简单的字符串调用此函数,获取哈希并转到此站点: http//www.onlinehashcrack.com/free-hash-reverse.php

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