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[英]Is IE9 really faster in small resolution?

I tried many website with IE9. 我用IE9尝试了很多网站。 one strange thing I found is, when I Restore Down my IE9 window and resize it to around 1000*800 or so, IE9 works pretty much faster than in Maximized mode, say around 2x faster in some times. 我发现的一件奇怪的事是,当我还原IE9窗口并将其大小调整为1000 * 800左右时,IE9的工作速度要比最大化模式下快得多,有时要快2倍左右。 Is there any reason behind this? 这背后有什么原因吗?

Apparently, it is, in your configuration, according to the benchmark you have performed. 显然,这是在您的配置中,根据您执行的基准测试。

What is it that you're asking? 您要问的是什么?

If it's about "Why?", then perhaps it finds drawing the page to screen fairly slow, it's anyone's guess, really, you'd have to ask someone who works on the component in Microsoft. 如果是关于“为什么?”的问题,那么也许它发现将页面绘制到屏幕上的速度相当慢,这是任何人的猜测,真的,您必须问一个在Microsoft组件上工作的人。

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