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[英]How can I use form_for to update an association's has_many :through association

In my form for member_profile, I would like to have role checkboxes that are visible for admins. 在我的member_profile表单中,我希望有一个管理员可见的角色复选框。 I would like to used some nested form_for, but can't make it work, so I've resorted to manually creating the check_box_tags (see below), and then manually adding them to member_profile.member. 我想使用一些嵌套的form_for,但无法使其正常工作,因此我不得不手动创建check_box_tags(请参见下文),然后将其手动添加到member_profile.member。

Note that the Member model is Devise, and I don't want to mix those fields in with my MemberProfile data, in case I change auth systems in the future. 请注意,成员模型是Devise,并且我不想在我的MemberProfile数据中混入这些字段,以防将来将来更改身份验证系统。

class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_one :member_profile
  has_many :member_roles
  has_many :roles, :through => :member_roles
class MemberProfile < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to  :member
  has_many    :member_roles, :through => :member
  #has_many    :roles, :through => :member_roles #can't make this work work
class Role < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :member_roles
  validates_presence_of :name
class MemberRole < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :member
  belongs_to :role

Form (haml) 形式(哈姆尔)

  = form_section do
    - Role.all.each do |x|

      =check_box_tag  'member[role_ids][]', 
                      begin @resource.member.role_ids.include?(x.id) rescue nil end

member_profiles_controller.rb member_profiles_controller.rb

def update
  if @resource.update_attributes params[:member_profile]

    @resource.member.role_ids = params[:member][:role_ids]
    redirect_to(@resource, :notice => 'Member profile was successfully updated.') 
    render :action => "edit" 

I've decided it only makes sense to do a nested has_many :through on Update, since the join model is what is being 'gone through' to get to the has_many :through model. 我已经决定在Update上执行嵌套的has_many:through是唯一有意义的,因为join模型是“ gone through”到达has_many:through模型的原因。 Before the hmt is created, there is obviously no record in the join model. 在创建hmt之前,联接模型中显然没有任何记录。

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