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Smart GWT的Eclipse插件

[英]Eclipse plugin for Smart GWT

How cann I create "Hello world Application" in Eclipse using Smart GWT? 我如何使用Smart GWT在Eclipse中创建“Hello world Application”?

Is there any plug in for Eclipse for Smart GWT? 是否有适用于Smart GWT的Eclipse插件? If yes then how can we install it? 如果是,那么我们如何安装呢?

This tutorial was very useful to get me started with smartGWT. 教程对于让我开始使用smartGWT非常有用。 It presents a small guide in setting up eclipse to program SmartGWT and how to make a small first project. 它提供了一个小指南,用于设置eclipse以编程SmartGWT以及如何制作一个小型的第一个项目。

Just replace the original GWT events with: 只需将原始GWT事件替换为:

import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.events.ClickEvent;
import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.events.ClickHandler;

I found that I had to run IE 9.0 in compatibility mode to have the button working, it works fine in Chrome though, so hopefully they will sort this out soon. 我发现我必须在兼容模式下运行IE 9.0以使按钮正常工作,但它在Chrome中工作正常,所以希望他们能尽快解决这个问题。

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