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C ++ / Java / C#图像处理库

[英]C++ / Java / C# Image processing library

What would be the best library choice for finding similar parts in images and similarity matching? 在图像中找到相似部分并进行相似度匹配的最佳库选择是什么?

Thank you. 谢谢。

It sounds like the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) is probably the algorithm you're really looking for. 听起来像Scale Invariant Feature Transform(SIFT)可能是您真正要寻找的算法。 Offhand, I don't know of any general-purpose image processing library that includes it, but there are definitely standalone implementations to be found (and knowing the name should make Googling for it relatively easy). 暂时,我不知道包含它的任何通用图像处理库,但是肯定可以找到独立的实现(并且知道名称应该使Googling相对容易)。

ImageJ Java中最快的图像处理库。

OpenCV is certainly a solid choice as always. 与以往一样,OpenCV当然是一个不错的选择。

That said, VLFeat is also very good. 也就是说, VLFeat也非常好。 It includes many popular feature detectors (including SIFT, MSER, Harris, etc.) as well as clustering algorithms like (kd-trees and quickshift). 它包括许多流行的特征检测器(包括SIFT,MSER,Harris等)以及诸如(kd树和快速移位)之类的聚类算法。 You can piece together something like a bag of words classifier using that very quickly. 您可以很快地将诸如单词分类器之类的东西拼凑在一起。

While SIFT is certainly a solid general purpose solution, it actually is a pipeline composed of a feature detector (which points are interesting in the image), a feature descriptor (for each interesting point in the image, what's a good representation), and a feature matcher (given a descriptor and a database of descriptors, how do I determine what is the best match). 尽管SIFT当然是可靠的通用解决方案,但实际上它是由特征检测器(图像中的各个点很有趣),特征描述符(对于图像中的每个有趣点,是一个很好的表示)以及一个功能匹配器(给定描述符和描述符数据库,如何确定最佳匹配)。

Depending upon your application, you may want to break apart this pipeline and swap in different components. 根据您的应用程序,您可能需要拆分该管道并交换不同的组件。 VLFeat's SIFT implementation is very modular and lets you experiment with doing so easily. VLFeat的SIFT实现非常模块化,可以让您轻松地进行实验。

从未进行图像处理,但是我从朋友那里听说过OpenCV很好,他们通常使用C ++

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