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[英]Python: Writing to a csv file from a 'list' of {(tuples): value} dicts

Greetings All. 大家问候。

I have a [(tuple): value] dicts as elements in a list as follows: 我有一个[(tuple):value]字典作为列表中的元素,如下所示:

lst = [{('unit1', 'test1'): 11, ('unit1','test2'): 12}, {('unit2','test1'): 13, ('unit2','test2'):14 }]

testnames = ['test1','test2']
unitnames = ['unit1','unit2']

How to write to csv file with the following output? 如何使用以下输出写入csv文件?

unitnames, test1, test2 单位名称,test1,test2

unit1, 11, 12 1、11、12单元

unit2, 13, 14 unit2,13,14

Thanks. 谢谢。

First, flatten the structure. 首先,将结构弄平。

units = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(lambda: float('-inf')))
for (u, t), r in lst.iteritems():
  units[u][t] = r
table = [(u, t['test1'], t['test2']) for (u, t) in units.iteritems()]

Then use csv to write out the CSV file. 然后使用csv写出CSV文件。

Following code creates a dict that can be dumped to a csv: 以下代码创建了一个可以转储到csv的字典:

from collections import defaultdict
d = defaultdict(list)
for (unit, test), val in lst.items():

The way you have lst grouped is redundant; 您第一次分组的方式是多余的; all keys are unique, it might as well be a single dictionary, as 所有键都是唯一的,也可能是一个字典,例如

data = {
    ('unit1', 'test1'): 11,
    ('unit1', 'test2'): 12,
    ('unit2', 'test1'): 13, 
    ('unit2', 'test2'): 14

then 然后

import csv

def getUniqueValues(seq):
    "Return sorted list of unique values in sequence"
    values = list(set(seq))
    return values

def dataArray(data2d, rowIterField=0, rowLabel='', defaultVal=''):
    # get all unique unit and test labels
    rowLabels = getUniqueValues(key[rowIterField] for key in data2d)
    colLabels = getUniqueValues(key[1-rowIterField] for key in data2d)

    # create key-tuple maker
    if rowIterField==0:
        key = lambda row,col: (row, col)
        key = lambda row,col: (col, row)

    # header row
    yield [rowLabel] + colLabels
    for row in rowLabels:
        # data rows
        yield [row] + [data2d.get(key(row,col), defaultVal) for col in colLabels]

def main():
    with open('output.csv', 'wb') as outf:
        outcsv = csv.writer(outf)
        outcsv.writerows(dataArray(data, 0, 'unitnames'))

if __name__=="__main__":

and the output can easily be flipped (units across, tests down) by changing dataArray(data, 0, 'unitnames') to dataArray(data, 1, 'testnames') . 通过将dataArray(data, 0, 'unitnames')更改为dataArray(data, 1, 'testnames')可以轻松翻转输出(跨单元,向下测试dataArray(data, 1, 'testnames')

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