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[英]If statement to tree representation in ANTLR

I have the following if statement that parses correctly: 我有以下正确解析的if语句:

    : 'IF' expression 'THEN' statementBlock 
        (options {greedy=true;} 
            : 'ELSE' statementBlock)?


Now, I want to parse this into an AST. 现在,我想将其解析为AST。 This is how I did it: 这是我的方法:

    : 'IF'^ expression 'THEN'! statementBlock 
        (options {greedy=true;} 
            : 'ELSE'! statementBlock)?


Added ! 新增! and ^ , as -> building instruction didn't seem to work. ^ ,因为->构建说明似乎无效。

My result is an AST with 3 children: 1 is the conditional, 2 and 3 are the statement blocks. 我的结果是一个有3个孩子的AST:1是有条件的,2和3是语句块。 The else part is optional: if there is no else, node 3 is missing. else部分是可选的:如果没有其他部分,则节点3丢失。

The problem is that the statement blocks are always empty. 问题在于语句块始终为空。 How to fix that? 如何解决?

The following is basically how I implemented it. 以下基本上是我的实现方式。 Note that 'IF', 'THEN', and 'ELSE' are declared in the 'tokens' section 请注意,在“令牌”部分中声明了“ IF”,“ THEN”和“ ELSE”

:   IF expression THEN ifStat=statementBlock 
    (   ELSE elseStat=statementBlock  ->  ^(IF expression $ifStat $elseStat)
    |                                 ->  ^(IF expression $ifStat)

[edit] Or you could be more explicit which should also work [edit]或者您可以更明确一点,这也应该有效

:   IF expression THEN ifStat=statementBlock ELSE elseStat=statementBlock  ->  ^(IF expression $ifStat $elseStat)
|   IF expression THEN ifStat=statementBlock                               ->  ^(IF expression $ifStat)

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