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[英]Add 'decimal-mark' thousands separators to a number

How do I format 1000000 to 1.000.000 in Python?我如何格式化10000001.000.000在Python? where the '.' '.' 在哪里is the decimal-mark thousands separator.是小数点千位分隔符。

If you want to add a thousands separator, you can write:如果要添加千位分隔符,可以这样写:

>>> '{0:,}'.format(1000000)

But it only works in Python 2.7 and above.但它仅适用于 Python 2.7 及更高版本。

Seeformat string syntax .请参阅格式字符串语法

In older versions, you can use locale.format() :在旧版本中,您可以使用locale.format()

>>> import locale
>>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
>>> locale.format('%d', 1000000, 1)

the added benefit of using locale.format() is that it will use your locale's thousands separator, eg使用locale.format()的额外好处是它将使用您的语言环境的千位分隔符,例如

>>> import locale
>>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'de_DE.utf-8')
>>> locale.format('%d', 1000000, 1)

I didn't really understand it;我真的不明白; but here is what I understand:但这是我的理解:

You want to convert 1123000 to 1,123,000.您想将 1123000 转换为 1,123,000。 You can do that by using format:您可以使用格式来做到这一点:

http://docs.python.org/release/3.1.3/whatsnew/3.1.html#pep-378-format-specifier-for-thousands-separator http://docs.python.org/release/3.1.3/whatsnew/3.1.html#pep-378-format-specifier-for-thousands-separator


>>> format(1123000,',d')

Just extending the answer a bit here :)只是在这里稍微扩展一下答案:)

I needed to both have a thousandth separator and limit the precision of a floating point number.我需要有千分之一分隔符并限制浮点数的精度。

This can be achieved by using the following format string:这可以通过使用以下格式字符串来实现:

> my_float = 123456789.123456789
> "{:0,.2f}".format(my_float)

This describes the format() -specifier's mini-language:这描述了format() -specifier 的迷你语言:


Source: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0378/#current-version-of-the-mini-language来源: https : //www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0378/#current-version-of-the-mini-language

An idea一个主意

def itanum(x):
    return format(x,',d').replace(",",".")

>>> itanum(1000)

Using itertools can give you some more flexibility:使用itertools可以给你更多的灵活性:

>>> from itertools import zip_longest
>>> num = "1000000"
>>> sep = "."
>>> places = 3
>>> args = [iter(num[::-1])] * places
>>> sep.join("".join(x) for x in zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=""))[::-1]

Drawing on the answer by Mikel, I implemented his solution like this in my matplotlib plot.借鉴 Mikel 的答案,我在我的 matplotlib 图中实现了他的解决方案。 I figured some might find it helpful:我想有些人可能会觉得它有帮助:

ax.get_xaxis().set_major_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, loc: locale.format('%d', x, 1)))

Here's only a alternative answer.这只是一个替代答案。 You can use split operator in python and through some weird logic Here's the code您可以在 python 中使用 split 运算符并通过一些奇怪的逻辑这是代码

s1=[elm for elm in s]
if len(s1)%3==0:
    for i in range(0,len(s1)-3,3):
    for i in range(rem):
    for i in range(rem,len(s1)-1,3):

print str1



Strange that nobody mentioned a straightforward solution with regex:奇怪的是没有人提到正则表达式的直接解决方案:

import re
print(re.sub(r'(?<!^)(?=(\d{3})+$)', r'.', "12345673456456456"))

Gives the following output:给出以下输出:


It also works if you want to separate the digits only before comma:如果您只想在逗号之前分隔数字,它也适用:

re.sub(r'(?<!^)(?=(\d{3})+,)', r'.', "123456734,56456456")



the regex uses lookahead to check that the number of digits after a given position is divisible by 3.正则表达式使用前瞻来检查给定位置后的位数是否可以被 3 整除。

DIY solution DIY解决方案

def format_number(n):
    result = ""
    for i, digit in enumerate(reversed(str(n))):
        if i != 0 and (i % 3) == 0:
            result += ","
        result += digit
    return result[::-1]

built-in solution内置解决方案

def format_number(n):
    return "{:,}".format(n)

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