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Rails 3:视图中的Ruby变量在NilClass中

[英]Rails 3: Ruby variables in view are in NilClass

Please pardon the newbie question, but I'm stumped. 请原谅新手问题,但我很困惑。 I'm a teacher converting a Rails 我是一位转换Rails的老师
1 app to Rails 3. My "verify" controller is getting correct values from my database, 1个应用程序连接到Rails3。我的“验​​证”控制器正在从数据库中获取正确的值,
but when the view attempts to access the variables I'm told they are in "nilClass". 但是当视图试图访问变量时,我被告知它们在“ nilClass”中。
Here's my controller: 这是我的控制器:

file ROOT/app/controllers/verify_controller.rb: 文件ROOT / app / controllers / verify_controller.rb:

class VerifyController < ApplicationController
    @student = Assignment.get_student
    @assignments = Assignment.get_assignments
    logger.info("VERIFY: @student is #{@student}")
    logger.info("VERIFY: @assignments is #{@assignments}")

Here is my view: 这是我的看法:

file ROOT/app/views/verify/list.html.erb: 文件ROOT / app / views / verify / list.html.erb:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    This is our listing view.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
  <title>Student assignments</title>

<div id="assignment-list">

  <!-- @student is a Ruby variable.  The @ means it is a "member"
       which is accessible beyond the code that calculates it.  (The
       class is the VerifyController class, which we will be seeing
       shortly.)  See below for the angle brackets!

  <h2>Assignments for <%= @student %></h2>
  <table cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" border="2">
      <th>Date received</th>

  <!-- HTML alone doesn't know how many rows are in the table, so
       Ruby has to look at the variables and provide a loop to do
       the rows .

  <!--  < % and % > delimit Ruby code in HTML so long as the Ruby
        doesn't produce a value (there is no blank space between
        the angle brackets and the % signs; I had to put one in
        to prevent Ruby from trying to interpret this comment!)
        If the expression does produce a value, < % = and % > are the
  <% logger.info("LIST: The class of @student is #{@student.class}") %>
  <% logger.info("LIST: The class of @assignments is #{@assignments.class}") %>
  <% logger.info("LIST: @student is #{@assignments}") %>
  <% logger.info("LIST: @assignments is #{@assignments}") %>
  <% for assign in @assignments %>
       <td><%= assign.student %></td>
       <td><%= assign.description %></td>
       <td><%= assign.whendone %></td>
  <% end  # end the "for" %>

Any suggestions?

You are using the variables correctly, but the error would suggest that Assignment.get_student is returning nil instead of a student. 您正确使用了变量,但是错误提示Assignment.get_student返回nil,而不是学生。 Check this method in the Assigment model. 在Assigment模型中检查此方法。

Also, not sure if it was a paster error, but your controller should look like this: 另外,不确定这是否是粘贴错误,但您的控制器应如下所示:

class VerifyController < ApplicationController

  def list
    @student = Assignment.get_student
    @assignments = Assignment.get_assignments
    logger.info("VERIFY: @student is #{@student}")
    logger.info("VERIFY: @assignments is #{@assignments}")


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