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[英]django template syntax to iterate through two lists

I have the following django template, where as I'm iterating through a list ( class_list_overall ), I want to use forloop.counter0 as an index in another list ( classTimeSlots ). 我有以下django模板,当我迭代列表( class_list_overall )时,我想使用forloop.counter0作为另一个列表中的索引( classTimeSlots )。 It just keeps giving me a TemplateSyntaxError . 它只是给我一个TemplateSyntaxError I have tried the following variations: 我尝试了以下变化:

  1. {{classTimeSlots.{{forloop.counter0}}}}
  2. {{classTimeSlots.[forloop.counter0]}}
  3. {{classTimeSlots.{forloop.counter0}}}
  4. {{classTimeSlots.(forloop.counter0)}}
  5. {{classTimeSlots.forloop.counter0}}
  6. {% with forloop.counter0 as index%} <legend>{{ classTimeSlots.index}}</legend> {% endwith %}

None of which worked. 这些都没有奏效。 Any suggestions? 有什么建议么? I'm just a newbie at DJango. 我只是DJango的新手。 I'm using Google App Engine. 我正在使用Google App Engine。

Here's the code snippet (I know it's inefficient but I've been trying different things): 这是代码片段(我知道它效率低但我一直在尝试不同的东西):

{% for class_list in class_list_overall %}
    <fieldset> <legend>{{ classTimeSlots.forloop.counter0 }}</legend>
            <li> <label>First Choice </label>
                <select class="dropdown" name="class{{forloop.counter}}1" size="1">
                    <option value="Click Here to Choose" selected="selected">Click Here to Choose</option>
                    {% for class in class_list %}
                    {% endfor %}
                <label>Second Choice </label>
                <select class="dropdown" name="class{{forloop.counter}}2" size="1">
                    <option value="Click Here to Choose" selected="selected">Click Here to Choose</option>
                    {% for class in class_list %}
                    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Short answer: you can't do that. 简短的回答:你做不到。

The template language will not try to determine the value of a variable passed in dot syntax. 模板语言不会尝试确定以点语法传递的变量的值。

It will do a literal lookup of forloop.counter0 它将对forloop.counter0进行文字查找

1: write a template tag that accepts a variable and a key, and have it return the variable[key] 1:编写一个接受变量和键的模板标签,并让它返回variable[key]

2: this can most likely be done in the view. 2:这很可能在视图中完成。 Can I see it? 我可以看吗?

Django doesn't support this - it's deliberately limited. Django不支持这一点 - 它是故意限制的。 Instead, you should modify your view function to zip the two lists together, and pass that in to the template. 相反,您应该修改视图函数以将两个列表zip在一起,并将其传递给模板。

Its possible but not recommendable: 它可能但不值得推荐:

{% for class_list in class_list_overall %}
<fieldset> <legend>
   {% for cts in classTimeSlots %}
    {% ifequal forloop.counter forloop.parentloop.counter %} {{cts}} 
    {% endifequal %} 
   {% endfor %} </legend>
        <li> <label>First Choice </label>
            <select class="dropdown" name="class{{forloop.counter}}1" size="1">
                <option value="Click Here to Choose" selected="selected">Click Here to Choose</option>
                {% for class in class_list %}
                {% endfor %}
            <label>Second Choice </label>
            <select class="dropdown" name="class{{forloop.counter}}2" size="1">
                <option value="Click Here to Choose" selected="selected">Click Here to Choose</option>
                {% for class in class_list %}
                {% endfor %}
</fieldset>{% endfor %}

But its better to take list into parent dict: 但最好将列表纳入父词典:

[class_list_overall[i].update({'label':classTimeSlots[i]}) for i in range(0,len(classTimeSlots))]

And then change above code to: 然后将上面的代码更改为:

   {{ class_list.label }}

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