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在C ++字符串中转义XML / HTML的最有效方法?

[英]Most efficient way to escape XML/HTML in C++ string?

I can't believe this question hasn't been asked before. 我不敢相信以前没有问过这个问题。 I have a string that needs to be inserted into an HTML file but it may contain special HTML characters. 我有一个字符串需要插入HTML文件,但它可能包含特殊的HTML字符。 I want to replace these with the appropriate HTML representation. 我想用适当的HTML表示替换它们。

The code below works but is pretty verbose and ugly. 下面的代码有效,但非常冗长和丑陋。 Performance is not critical for my application but I guess there are scalability problems here also. 性能对我的应用程序并不重要,但我想这里也存在可伸缩性问题。 How can I improve this? 我怎样才能改善这个? I guess this is a job for STL algorithms or some esoteric Boost function, but the code below is the best I can come up with myself. 我想这是STL算法或一些深奥的Boost函数的工作,但下面的代码是我能想出的最好的代码。

void escape(std::string *data)
    std::string::size_type pos = 0;
    for (;;)
        pos = data->find_first_of("\"&<>", pos);
        if (pos == std::string::npos) break;
        std::string replacement;
        switch ((*data)[pos])
        case '\"': replacement = "&quot;"; break;   
        case '&':  replacement = "&amp;";  break;   
        case '<':  replacement = "&lt;";   break;   
        case '>':  replacement = "&gt;";   break;   
        default: ;
        data->replace(pos, 1, replacement);
        pos += replacement.size();

Instead of just replacing in the original string, you can do copying with on-the-fly replacement which avoids having to move characters in the string. 您可以使用即时替换进行复制,而不必仅仅替换原始字符串,从而避免必须在字符串中移动字符。 This will have much better complexity and cache behavior, so I'd expect a huge improvement. 这将具有更好的复杂性和缓存行为,因此我期望得到巨大的改进。 Or you can use boost::spirit::xml encode or http://code.google.com/p/pugixml/ . 或者您可以使用boost :: spirit :: xml encodehttp://code.google.com/p/pugixml/

void encode(std::string& data) {
    std::string buffer;
    for(size_t pos = 0; pos != data.size(); ++pos) {
        switch(data[pos]) {
            case '&':  buffer.append("&amp;");       break;
            case '\"': buffer.append("&quot;");      break;
            case '\'': buffer.append("&apos;");      break;
            case '<':  buffer.append("&lt;");        break;
            case '>':  buffer.append("&gt;");        break;
            default:   buffer.append(&data[pos], 1); break;

EDIT: A small improvement can be achieved by using an heuristic to determine the size of the buffer. 编辑:通过使用启发式来确定缓冲区的大小,可以实现小的改进。 Replace the buffer.reserve line with data.size()*1.1 (10%) or something similar depending of how much replacements are expected. data.size()*1.1 (10%)或类似的东西替换buffer.reserve行,具体取决于预期的替换次数。

void escape(std::string *data)
    using boost::algorithm::replace_all;
    replace_all(*data, "&",  "&amp;");
    replace_all(*data, "\"", "&quot;");
    replace_all(*data, "\'", "&apos;");
    replace_all(*data, "<",  "&lt;");
    replace_all(*data, ">",  "&gt;");

Could win the prize for least verbose? 可以赢得奖项至少冗长吗?

Here is a simple ~30 line C program that does the trick in a rather good manner. 这是一个简单的~30行C程序,以相当好的方式完成这个技巧。 Here I am assuming that the temp_str will have allocated memory enough to have the additional escaped characters. 在这里,我假设temp_str将分配足够的内存以获得额外的转义字符。

void toExpatEscape(char *temp_str)
    const char cEscapeChars[6]={'&','\'','\"','>','<','\0'};
    const char * const pEscapedSeqTable[] =
    unsigned int i, j, k, nRef = 0, nEscapeCharsLen = strlen(cEscapeChars), str_len = strlen(temp_str);
    int nShifts = 0; 

    for (i=0; i<str_len; i++)
        for(nRef=0; nRef<nEscapeCharsLen; nRef++)
            if(temp_str[i] == cEscapeChars[nRef])
                if((nShifts = strlen(pEscapedSeqTable[nRef]) - 1) > 0)
                    memmove(temp_str+i+nShifts, temp_str+i, str_len-i+nShifts); 
                    for(j=i,k=0; j<=i+nShifts,k<=nShifts; j++,k++)
                        temp_str[j] = pEscapedSeqTable[nRef][k];
                    str_len += nShifts;
    temp_str[str_len] = '\0';

My tests showed this answer gave the best performance from offered (not surprising it has the most rate). 我的测试显示这个答案给出了最好的表现(毫不奇怪,它有最高的速度)。
I've implemented same algorithm for my project (I really want good performance & memory usage) - my tests showed my implementation has ~2.6-3.25 better speed performace. 我已经为我的项目实现了相同的算法(我真的想要良好的性能和内存使用) - 我的测试显示我的实现具有~2.6-3.25更好的速度性能。 Also I don't like previous best offered algorithm bcs of bad memory usage - you will have extra memory usage as when apply 1.1 multiplier 'heuristic', as when .append() lead to resize. 此外,我不喜欢以前最好的算法bcs的坏内存使用 - 你将有额外的内存使用,如应用1.1倍增'启发',如同.append()导致调整大小。
So, leave my code here - maybe somebody find it useful. 所以,把我的代码留在这里 - 也许有人觉得它很有用。

HtmlPreprocess.h: HtmlPreprocess.h:


#include <string>

class HtmlPreprocess

    static void htmlspecialchars(
        const std::string & in,
        std::string & out


HtmlPreprocess.cpp: HtmlPreprocess.cpp:

#include "HtmlPreprocess.h"



const unsigned char map_char_to_final_size[] = 
   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,
   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,
   1,   1,   6,   1,   1,   1,   5,   6,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,
   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   4,   1,   4,   1,
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const unsigned char map_char_to_index[] = 
   0xFF,   0xFF,   0xFF,   0xFF,   0xFF,   0xFF,   0xFF,   0xFF,   0xFF,   0xFF,   0xFF,   0xFF,   0xFF,   0xFF,   0xFF,   0xFF,
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void HtmlPreprocess::htmlspecialchars(
    const std::string & in,
    std::string & out
    const char * lp_in_stored = &in[0];
    size_t in_size = in.size();

    const char * lp_in = lp_in_stored;
    size_t final_size = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < in_size; i++)
        final_size += map_char_to_final_size[*lp_in++];


    lp_in = lp_in_stored;
    char * lp_out = &out[0];

    for (size_t i = 0; i < in_size; i++)
        char current_char = *lp_in++;
        unsigned char next_action = map_char_to_index[current_char];

        switch (next_action){
        case 0:
            *lp_out++ = '&';
            *lp_out++ = 'a';
            *lp_out++ = 'm';
            *lp_out++ = 'p';
            *lp_out++ = ';';
        case 1:
            *lp_out++ = '&';
            *lp_out++ = 'a';
            *lp_out++ = 'p';
            *lp_out++ = 'o';
            *lp_out++ = 's';
            *lp_out++ = ';';
        case 2:
            *lp_out++ = '&';
            *lp_out++ = 'q';
            *lp_out++ = 'u';
            *lp_out++ = 'o';
            *lp_out++ = 't';
            *lp_out++ = ';';
        case 3:
            *lp_out++ = '&';
            *lp_out++ = 'g';
            *lp_out++ = 't';
            *lp_out++ = ';';
        case 4:
            *lp_out++ = '&';
            *lp_out++ = 'l';
            *lp_out++ = 't';
            *lp_out++ = ';';
            *lp_out++ = current_char;

If you're going for processing speed, then it seems to me that the best would be to have a second string that you build as you go, copying from the first string to the second string, and then appending the html escapes as you encounter them. 如果你想要处理速度,那么在我看来,最好的方法就是你要建立第二个字符串,从第一个字符串复制到第二个字符串,然后在遇到时附加html转义符他们。 Since I assume that the replace method involves first a memory move, followed by a copy into the replaced position, it's going to be very slow for large strings. 因为我假设替换方法首先涉及内存移动,然后是复制到替换位置,所以对于大字符串来说它会非常慢。 If you have a second string to build using .append(), it will avoid the memory move. 如果你有第二个使用.append()构建的字符串,它将避免内存移动。

As far was code "cleanness", I think that's about as pretty as you're going to get. 到目前为止,代码“清洁”,我认为这就像你将得到的一样漂亮。 You could create an array of characters and their replacements, and then search the array, but that would probably be slower and not much cleaner anyway. 您可以创建一个字符数组及其替换,然后搜索数组,但这可能会更慢,也不会更清洁。

I'd honestly go with a more generic version using iterators, such that you can "stream" the encoding. 老实说,使用迭代器可以使用更通用的版本,这样您就可以“流式”编码。 Consider the following implementation: 考虑以下实现:

#include <algorithm>

namespace xml {

    // Helper for null-terminated ASCII strings (no end of string iterator).
    template<typename InIter, typename OutIter>
    OutIter copy_asciiz ( InIter begin, OutIter out )
        while ( *begin != '\0' ) {
            *out++ = *begin++;
        return (out);

    // XML escaping in it's general form.  Note that 'out' is expected
    // to an "infinite" sequence.
    template<typename InIter, typename OutIter>
    OutIter escape ( InIter begin, InIter end, OutIter out )
        static const char bad[] = "&<>";
        static const char* rep[] = {"&amp;", "&lt;", "&gt;"};
        static const std::size_t n = sizeof(bad)/sizeof(bad[0]);

        for ( ; (begin != end); ++begin )
            // Find which replacement to use.
            const std::size_t i =
                std::distance(bad, std::find(bad, bad+n, *begin));

            // No need for escaping.
            if ( i == n ) {
                *out++ = *begin;
            // Escape the character.
            else {
                out = copy_asciiz(rep[i], out);
        return (out);


Then, you can simplify the average case using a few overloads: 然后,您可以使用一些重载来简化平均情况:

#include <iterator>
#include <string>

namespace xml {

    // Get escaped version of "content".
    std::string escape ( const std::string& content )
        std::string result;
        escape(content.begin(), content.end(), std::back_inserter(result));
        return (result);

    // Escape data on the fly, using "constant" memory.
    void escape ( std::istream& in, std::ostream& out )


Finally, test the whole lot: 最后,测试整个批次:

#include <iostream>

int main ( int, char ** )
    std::cout << xml::escape("<foo>bar & qux</foo>") << std::endl;

I profiled 3 solutions with Visual Studio 2017. Input were 10 000 000 strings of size 5-20 with a probability of 9,4% that a char needs to be escaped. 我用Visual Studio 2017分析了3个解决方案。输入的是10 000 000个大小为5-20的字符串,其中char需要被转义为9.4%。

  1. Solution from Giovanni Funchal 来自Giovanni Funchal的解决方案
  2. Solution from HostageBrain 来自HostageBrain的解决方案
  3. Solution is mine 解决方案是我的

The result: 结果:

  1. needs 1.675 seconds 需要1.675秒
  2. needs 0.769 seconds 需要0.769秒
  3. needs 0.368 seconds 需要0.368秒

In mine Solution, the final size is precalculated and a copy of string data is done, only when needed. 在我的解决方案中,最终大小是预先计算的,只有在需要时才会完成字符串数据的副本。 So the heap memory allocations should be minimal. 所以堆内存分配应该是最小的。

const unsigned char calcFinalSize[] =
1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,
1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,
1,   1,   6,   1,   1,   1,   5,   6,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,
1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   4,   1,   4,   1,
1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,
1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,
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1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,
1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,
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1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,
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1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1

void escapeXml(std::string & in)
    const char* dataIn = in.data();
    size_t sizeIn = in.size();

    const char* dataInCurrent = dataIn;
    const char* dataInEnd = dataIn + sizeIn;
    size_t outSize = 0;
    while (dataInCurrent < dataInEnd)
        outSize += calcFinalSize[static_cast<uint8_t>(*dataInCurrent)];

    if (outSize == sizeIn)
    std::string out;

    dataInCurrent = dataIn;
    char* dataOut = &out[0];
    while (dataInCurrent < dataInEnd)
        switch (*dataInCurrent) {
        case '&':
            memcpy(dataOut, "&amp;", sizeof("&amp;") - 1);
            dataOut += sizeof("&amp;") - 1;
        case '\'':
            memcpy(dataOut, "&apos;", sizeof("&apos;") - 1);
            dataOut += sizeof("&apos;") - 1;
        case '\"':
            memcpy(dataOut, "&quot;", sizeof("&quot;") - 1);
            dataOut += sizeof("&quot;") - 1;
        case '>':
            memcpy(dataOut, "&gt;", sizeof("&gt;") - 1);
            dataOut += sizeof("&gt;") - 1;
        case '<':
            memcpy(dataOut, "&lt;", sizeof("&lt;") - 1);
            dataOut += sizeof("&lt;") - 1;
            *dataOut++ = *dataInCurrent;

Edit: Replaced "&quote;" 编辑:替换"&quote;" with "&quot;" "&quot;" . Old solution was overwriting memory, because the look-up table contained a length of 6 for "&quote;" 旧的解决方案是覆盖内存,因为查找表的长度为6,用于"&quote;" .

You can use the boost::property_tree::xml_parser::encode_char_entities if you don't want to write it yourself. 如果您不想自己编写,可以使用boost::property_tree::xml_parser::encode_char_entities

For reference, here's the code in boost 1.64.0 : 作为参考,这是boost 1.64.0的代码:

``` ```

template<class Str>
Str encode_char_entities(const Str &s)
    // Don't do anything for empty strings.
    if(s.empty()) return s;

    typedef typename Str::value_type Ch;

    Str r;
    // To properly round-trip spaces and not uglify the XML beyond
    // recognition, we have to encode them IF the text contains only spaces.
    Str sp(1, Ch(' '));
    if(s.find_first_not_of(sp) == Str::npos) {
        // The first will suffice.
        r = detail::widen<Str>("&#32;");
        r += Str(s.size() - 1, Ch(' '));
    } else {
        typename Str::const_iterator end = s.end();
        for (typename Str::const_iterator it = s.begin(); it != end; ++it)
            switch (*it)
                case Ch('<'): r += detail::widen<Str>("&lt;"); break;
                case Ch('>'): r += detail::widen<Str>("&gt;"); break;
                case Ch('&'): r += detail::widen<Str>("&amp;"); break;
                case Ch('"'): r += detail::widen<Str>("&quot;"); break;
                case Ch('\''): r += detail::widen<Str>("&apos;"); break;
                default: r += *it; break;
    return r;

``` ```

Or with just stl : 或者只是stl:

 std::string& rep(std::string &s, std::string from, std::string to)
      int pos = -1;
      while ( (pos = s.find(from, pos+1) ) != string::npos)
        s.erase(pos, from.length()).insert(pos, to);

      return s;

Usage: 用法:

rep(s, "&", "&quot;");
rep(s, "\"", "&quot;");

or: 要么:

rep(s, "HTML","xxxx");

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