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C / C ++中的快速字符串标记化

[英]Fast String tokenization in C/C++

I'm working on a C/C++ app (in Visual Studio 2010) where I need to tokenize a comma delimited string and I would like this to be as fast as possible. 我正在使用C / C ++应用程序(在Visual Studio 2010中),在该应用程序中需要标记以逗号分隔的字符串,并且我希望这样做尽快。 Currently I'm using strtok_s . 目前,我正在使用strtok_s I ran some tests of strtok_s versus sscanf and it seemed like strtok_s was faster (unless I wrote a terrible implementation :) ) but I was wondering if anyone could suggest a faster alternative. 我对strtok_ssscanf了一些测试,似乎strtok_s更快(除非我写了一个糟糕的实现:)),但我想知道是否有人可以建议一个更快的选择。

For sheer runtime speed, boost . 提高运行速度,请使用boost spirit . 精神 qi is an excellent candidate. 是一个极好的人选。

The best you can do is to make sure you go through the string only once, and build the output on the fly. 最好的办法是确保只对字符串进行一次遍历,并即时生成输出。 Start pulling off chars in to a temp buffer, and when you encounter the delimiter save the temp buffer to the output collection, clear the temp buffer, rinse and repeat. 开始将char提取到临时缓冲区中,当遇到定界符时,将临时缓冲区保存到输出集合中,清除临时缓冲区,冲洗并重复。

Here's a basic implementation that does this. 这是执行此操作的基本实现。

template<class C=char>
struct basic_token
    typedef std::basic_string<C> token_string;
    typedef unsigned long size_type;
    token_string token_, delim_;
    basic_token(const token_string& token, const token_string& delim = token_string());

template<class C>
basic_token<C>::basic_token(const token_string& token, const token_string& delim)
:   token_(token),

typedef basic_token<char> token;

template<class Char, class Iter> void tokenize(const std::basic_string<Char>& line, const Char* delims, Iter itx)
    typedef basic_token<Char> Token;
    typedef std::basic_string<Char> TString;

    for( TString::size_type tok_begin = 0, tok_end = line.find_first_of(delims, tok_begin);
        tok_begin != TString::npos; tok_end = line.find_first_of(delims, tok_begin) )
        if( tok_end == TString::npos )
            (*itx++) = Token(TString(&line[tok_begin]));
            tok_begin = tok_end;
            (*itx++) = Token(TString(&line[tok_begin], &line[tok_end]), TString(1, line[tok_end]));
            tok_begin = tok_end + 1;

template<class Char, class Iter> void tokenize(const Char* line, const Char* delim, Iter itx)
    tokenize(std::basic_string<Char>(line), delim, itx);
template<class Stream, class Token> Stream& operator<<(Stream& os, const Token& tok)
    os << tok.token_ << "\t[" << tok.delim_ << "]";
    return os;

...which you would use like this: ...您将这样使用:

string raw = "35=BW|49=TEST|1346=REQ22|1355=2|1182=88500|1183=88505|10=087^";
vector<stoken> tokens;
tokenize(raw, "|", back_inserter(tokens));
copy(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), ostream_iterator<stoken>(cout, "\n"));

Output is: 输出为:

35=BW   [|]
49=TEST [|]
1346=REQ22      [|]
1355=2  [|]
1182=88500      [|]
1183=88505      [|]
10=087^ []

The test of mmhmm haven't make use of spirit correctly, his grammars are flaw. mmhmm的测试没有正确利用精神,他的语法是缺陷。

#include <cstdio> 
#include <cstring>   

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

#include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/io.hpp>

#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>    

typedef struct sTokenDataC {
    char *time;
    char *symb;
    float bid;
    float ask;
    int bidSize;
    int askSize;
} tokenDataC;

tokenDataC parseTick( char *line, char *parseBuffer )
    tokenDataC tokenDataOut;

    tokenDataOut.time = strtok_r( line,",", &parseBuffer );
    tokenDataOut.symb = strtok_r( nullptr,",", &parseBuffer );
    tokenDataOut.bid = atof(strtok_r( nullptr,",", &parseBuffer ));
    tokenDataOut.ask = atof(strtok_r( nullptr , ",", &parseBuffer ));
    tokenDataOut.bidSize = atoi(strtok_r( nullptr,",", &parseBuffer ));
    tokenDataOut.askSize = atoi(strtok_r( nullptr, ",", &parseBuffer  ));

    return tokenDataOut;

void test_strcpy_s(int iteration)
    char *testStringC = new char[64];
    char *lineBuffer = new char[64];

        timeEstimate<> es;
        tokenDataC tokenData2;
        for(int i = 0; i < iteration; i++)
            strcpy(lineBuffer, testStringC);//this is more realistic since this has to happen because I want to preserve the line
            tokenData2 = parseTick(lineBuffer, testStringC);
            //std::cout<<*tokenData2.time<<", "<<*tokenData2.symb<<",";
            //std::cout<<tokenData2.bid<<", "<<tokenData2.ask<<", "<<tokenData2.bidSize<<", "<<tokenData2.askSize<<std::endl;

    delete[] lineBuffer;
    delete[] testStringC;

namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;

struct tokenDataCPP
    std::string time;
    std::string symb;
    float bid;
    float ask;
    int bidSize;
    int askSize;

    void clearTimeSymb(){

        (std::string, time)
        (std::string, symb)
        (float, bid)
        (float, ask)
        (int, bidSize)
        (int, askSize)

void test_spirit_qi(int iteration)
    std::string const strs("09:30:00,TEST,13.24,15.32,10,14");
    tokenDataCPP data;        

    auto myString = *~qi::char_(",");
    auto parser = myString >> "," >> myString >> "," >> qi::float_ >> "," >> qi::float_ >> "," >> qi::int_  >> "," >> qi::int_;
        timeEstimate<> es;
        for(int i = 0; i < iteration; ++i){
            qi::parse(std::begin(strs), std::end(strs), parser, data);
            //std::cout<<data.time<<", "<<data.symb<<", ";
            //std::cout<<data.bid<<", "<<data.ask<<", "<<data.bidSize<<", "<<data.askSize<<std::endl;

int main()
    int const ITERATIONS = 500 * 10000;

Since clang++ don't have strtok_s, I use strtok_r to replace it Iterate 500 * 10k, the times are 由于clang ++没有strtok_s,我使用strtok_r替换它Iterate 500 * 10k,时间是

  • test_strcpy_s : 1.40951 test_strcpy_s:1.40951
  • test_spirit_qi : 1.34277 test_spirit_qi:1.34277

Their times are almost the same, not much different. 他们的时代几乎相同,相差无几。

compiler, clang++ 3.2, -O2 编译器,clang ++ 3.2,-O2

codes of timeEstime 守则timeEstime

This should be quite fast, no temp buffers, it allocates empty tokes too. 这应该相当快,没有临时缓冲区,它也分配空的代币。

template <class char_t, class char_traits_t, 
        class char_allocator_t, class string_allocator_t>
inline void _tokenize(
    const std::basic_string<char_t, char_traits_t, char_allocator_t>& _Str, 
    const char_t& _Tok, 
    std::vector<std::basic_string<char_t, char_traits_t, char_allocator_t>, 
        string_allocator_t>& _Tokens, 
    const size_t& _HintSz=10)

    const char_t* _Beg(&_Str[0]), *_End(&_Str[_Str.size()]); 

    for (const char_t* _Ptr=_Beg; _Ptr<_End; ++_Ptr)
        if (*_Ptr == _Tok)
                std::basic_string<char_t, char_traits_t,
                    char_allocator_t>(_Beg, _Ptr));

            _Beg = 1+_Ptr;

        std::basic_string<char_t, char_traits_t,
            char_allocator_t>(_Beg, _End));

I would remind you that there is a risk with strtok and its ilk that you can get back a different number of tokens than you might want. 我要提醒您的是,strtok及其同类产品存在风险,您可以获得的令牌数可能与您想要的不同。

one|two|three  would yield 3 tokens


one|||three    would yield 2.

After testing and timing each suggested candidate, the result is that strtok is clearly the fastest. 在测试并确定了每个建议的候选者的时间之后,结果就是strtok显然是最快的。 Although I'm not surprised my love of testing dictated it was worth exploring other options. 尽管我对测试的热爱令我感到惊讶,但值得探索其他选择。 [Note: Code was thrown together edits welcome :) ] [注意:代码被放在一起编辑:)

Given: 鉴于:

typedef struct sTokenDataC {
    char *time;
    char *symb; 
    float bid;
    float ask;
    int bidSize;
    int askSize;
} tokenDataC;

tokenDataC parseTick( char *line, char *parseBuffer )
    tokenDataC tokenDataOut;

    tokenDataOut.time = strtok_s( line,",", &parseBuffer );
    tokenDataOut.symb = strtok_s( null,",", &parseBuffer );
    tokenDataOut.bid = atof(strtok_s( null,",", &parseBuffer ));
    tokenDataOut.ask = atof(strtok_s( null , ",", &parseBuffer ));
    tokenDataOut.bidSize = atoi(strtok_s( null,",", &parseBuffer ));
    tokenDataOut.askSize = atoi(strtok_s( null, ",", &parseBuffer  ));

    return tokenDataOut; 

char *testStringC = new char[64];

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
char *lineBuffer = new char[64];
    printf("Testing method2....\n");
    for(int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++)
        strcpy(lineBuffer,testStringC);//this is more realistic since this has to happen because I want to preserve the line
        tokenData2 = parseTick(lineBuffer,parseBuffer);


vs calling John Diblings impl via: 与通过以下方式致电John Diblings暗示:

    struct sTokenDataCPP
        std::basic_string<char> time;
        std::basic_string<char> symb; 
        float bid;
        float ask;
        int bidSize;
        int askSize;
        std::vector<myToken> tokens1;
            tokenDataCPP tokenData;
            printf("Testing method1....\n");
            for(int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++)
                tokenize(raw, ",", std::back_inserter(tokens1));

                tokenData.ask = atof(tokens1.at(2).token_.c_str());
                tokenData.bid = atof(tokens1.at(3).token_.c_str());
                tokenData.askSize = atoi(tokens1.at(4).token_.c_str());
                tokenData.bidSize = atoi(tokens1.at(5).token_.c_str());


vs a simple boost.spirit.qi implementation defining the grammer as follows: 与定义语法的简单boost.spirit.qi实现相比,如下所示:

template <typename Iterator>
struct tick_parser : grammar<Iterator, tokenDataCPP(), boost::spirit::ascii::space_type>

    tick_parser() : tick_parser::base_type(start)
        my_string %= lexeme[+(boost::spirit::ascii::char_ ) ];

        start %=
            my_string >> ','
            >>  my_string >> ','
            >>  float_ >> ','
            >>  float_ >> ','
            >>  int_ >> ','
            >>  int_

    rule<Iterator, std::string(), boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> my_string;
    rule<Iterator, sTokenDataCPP(), boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> start;

with ITERATIONS set to 500k: strtok version: 2s john's version: 115s boost: 172s 将ITERATIONS设置为500k:strtok版本:2s john版本:115s提升:172s

I can post the full code is people want this, I just didn't want to take up a huge amt of space 我可以发布完整的代码是人们想要的,我只是不想占用很大的空间

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