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如何在 Scala 中使用默认操作实现 Map

[英]How to implement Map with default operation in Scala

class DefaultListMap[A, B <: List[B]] extends HashMap[A, B] {
    override def default(key: A) = List[B]() 

I wan't to create map A -> List[B] .我不想创建 map A -> List[B] In my case it is Long -> List[String] but when I get key from map that doesn't have value I would like to create empty List instead of Exception being thrown.在我的情况下,它是Long -> List[String]但是当我从 map 获得没有价值的密钥时,我想创建空List而不是抛出Exception I tried different combinations but I don't know how to make code above pass the compiler.我尝试了不同的组合,但我不知道如何使上面的代码通过编译器。

Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

Why not to use withDefaultValue(value)?为什么不使用 withDefaultValue(value)?

scala> val m = Map[Int, List[String]]().withDefaultValue(List())
m: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,List[String]] = Map()

scala> m(123)
res1: List[String] = List()

Rather than using apply to access the map, you could always use get , which returns Option[V] and then getOrElse :与其使用apply来访问 map,不如使用get ,它返回Option[V]然后getOrElse

map.get(k) getOrElse Nil

One great feature of the scalaz functional-programming library is the unary operator ~ , which means "or zero",as long as the value type has a "zero" defined (which List does, the zero being Nil of course). scalaz函数式编程库的一个重要特性是一元运算符~ ,这意味着“或零”,只要值类型定义了“零”( List确实如此, Nil当然是 Nil)。 So the code then becomes:所以代码就变成了:


This is doubly useful because the same syntax works where (for example) your values are Int , Double etc (anything for which there is a Zero typeclass).这是双重有用的,因为相同的语法适用于(例如)你的值是IntDouble等(任何Zero类型类的东西)。

There has been a great deal of debate on the scala mailing list about using Map.withDefault because of how this then behaves as regards the isDefinedAt method, among others.关于使用Map.withDefault的 scala 邮件列表存在很多争论,因为它在isDefinedAt方法等方面的表现如何。 I tend to steer clear of it for this reason.出于这个原因,我倾向于避开它。

There's a method withDefaultValue on Map : Map withDefaultValue

scala> val myMap = Map(1 -> List(10), 2 -> List(20, 200)).withDefaultValue(Nil)
myMap: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,List[Int]] = Map((1,List(10)), (2,List(20, 200)))

scala> myMap(2)
res0: List[Int] = List(20, 200)

scala> myMap(3)
res1: List[Int] = List()

Why do you want to manipulate a map when it has already a method for this?当 map 已经有方法时,为什么还要操作它?

val m = Map(1L->List("a","b"), 3L->List("x","y","z"))  
println(m.getOrElse(1L, List("c"))) //--> List(a, b)
println(m.getOrElse(2L, List("y"))) //--> List(y)

withDefault can also be used.也可以使用withDefault

/** The same map with a given default function.
 *  Note: `get`, `contains`, `iterator`, `keys`, etc are not affected
 *  by `withDefault`.
 *  Invoking transformer methods (e.g. `map`) will not preserve the default value.
 *  @param d     the function mapping keys to values, used for non-present keys
 *  @return      a wrapper of the map with a default value
 def withDefault[B1 >: B](d: A => B1): immutable.Map[A, B1]


scala> def intToString(i: Int) = s"Integer $i"
intToString: (i: Int)String

scala> val x = Map[Int, String]().withDefault(intToString)
x: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,String] = Map()

scala> x(1)
res5: String = Integer 1

scala> x(2)
res6: String = Integer 2

Hope this helps.希望这可以帮助。

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