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下载 Eclipse 的 ADT 插件时遇到问题?

[英]Having trouble downloading ADT plugin for Eclipse?

I've tried to get into Android developent, and here's how the Android site says to get the ADT plugin for Eclipse:我试图进入 Android 开发人员,这里是 Android 网站所说的如何获取 Eclipse 的 ADT 插件:

If Eclipse is already installed on your computer, make sure that it is a version that is compatible with ADT and the Android SDK......Start Eclipse, then select Help > Install New Software.... Click Add, in the top-right corner. If Eclipse is already installed on your computer, make sure that it is a version that is compatible with ADT and the Android SDK......Start Eclipse, then select Help > Install New Software.... Click Add, in the右上角。 In the Add Repository dialog that appears, enter "ADT Plugin" for the Name and the following URL for the Location: *在出现的 Add Repository 对话框中,输入“ADT Plugin”作为名称,输入以下 URL 作为位置:*

The thing is, as shown in the picture, There is no Install Software button.问题是,如图所示,没有安装软件按钮。 This is the standard, latest, popular version of Java Eclipse (on Win32).这是标准、最新、流行的 Java Eclipse 版本(在 Win32 上)。

Heres what it looks like: http://i1085.photobucket.com/albums/j421/dmarquand/adt.jpg?t=1304235463这是它的样子: http://i1085.photobucket.com/albums/j421/dmarquand/adt.jpg?t=1304235463

Is this the wrong version of Eclipse?这是 Eclipse 的错误版本吗? If anyone has been in my shoes, please explain how you got the ADT plugin.如果有人跟我一样,请解释一下您是如何获得 ADT 插件的。


Try the "Find and Install" option...尝试“查找并安装”选项...

You want to install stuff right?你想安装东西对吗? Worth a try.值得一试。

I would try downloading Eclipse Classic .我会尝试下载Eclipse Classic This is a link to the latest 32-bit version, which is at this moment 3.6.2.这是最新的 32 位版本的链接,目前是 3.6.2。

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