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使用 Twisted 更新共享数据

[英]Updating shared data with Twisted

How can I share a blob of data using a Twisted server, while at the time time periodically updating that data in the background?:如何使用 Twisted 服务器共享数据块,同时在后台定期更新该数据?:

from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet import task
from twisted.web.server import Site
from twisted.web.resource import Resource

data = 1

def update_data():
    data += 1

class DataPage(Resource):
    isLeaf = True
    def render_GET(self, request):
        return "<html><body>%s</body></html>" % (data, )

root = Resource()
root.putChild("data", DataPage())
factory = Site(root)
reactor.listenTCP(8880, factory)

m = task.LoopingCall(update_data)

print "running"

The above code does not work because of the following exception:由于以下异常,上述代码不起作用:

C:\temp>python discovery.py
Unhandled error in Deferred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "discovery.py", line 23, in <module>
  File "c:\python25\lib\site-packages\twisted\internet\task.py", line 163, in start
  File "c:\python25\lib\site-packages\twisted\internet\task.py", line 194, in __call__
    d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.f, *self.a, **self.kw)
--- <exception caught here> ---
  File "c:\python25\lib\site-packages\twisted\internet\defer.py", line 102, in maybeDeferred
    result = f(*args, **kw)
  File "discovery.py", line 10, in update_data
    data += 1
exceptions.UnboundLocalError: local variable 'data' referenced before assignment

I would like HTTP clients to access, in this example, and retrieve the current value of data, while at the same time have some other task scheduled to update data every so often.我希望 HTTP 客户端访问,在此示例中,并检索数据的当前值,同时安排其他一些任务以每隔一段时间更新数据。

Moreover, I don't really want to use LoopingCall() because I may want to vary the interval depending on whether the update succeeds or not;此外,我真的不想使用 LoopingCall() 因为我可能想根据更新是否成功来改变间隔; the update will be some sort of remote API call.更新将是某种远程 API 调用。 Can I use CallLater() in some fashion instead?我可以以某种方式使用 CallLater() 吗?

I'm sure this is a stupid question.我敢肯定这是一个愚蠢的问题。 Thanks.谢谢。

EDIT: thouis helped with properly making the data variable global.编辑:你帮助正确地使数据变量成为全局变量。 For those that follow, here's how to fit callLater() into the code:对于接下来的那些,这里是如何将callLater()放入代码中:

from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet import task
from twisted.web.server import Site
from twisted.web.resource import Resource

data = 1

def update_data():
    global data
    data += 1
    reactor.callLater(10, update_data)

class DataPage(Resource):
    isLeaf = True
    def render_GET(self, request):
        return "<html><body>%s</body></html>" % (data, )

root = Resource()
root.putChild("data", DataPage())
factory = Site(root)
reactor.listenTCP(8880, factory)


print "running"

This code still feels a bit hacky.这段代码仍然感觉有点hacky。 I don't like declaring module-level variables, let alone using global variables.我不喜欢声明模块级变量,更不用说使用全局变量了。 I welcome any suggestions that avoid such practises and make the code look cleaner and more re-usable.我欢迎任何避免这种做法并使代码看起来更干净和更可重用的建议。

Add a global def to update_data():将全局 def 添加到 update_data():

def update_data():
    global data
    data += 1

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