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FirstOrDefault 如何评估带有条件的内部 FirstOrDefault?

[英]How does FirstOrDefault evaluate an inner FirstOrDefault with a condition?

I have this issue where FirstOrDefault always returns the first item it encounters regardless of how the inner expression evaluated.我有这个问题,无论内部表达式如何评估,FirstOrDefault 总是返回它遇到的第一个项目。

Lets say I have an array of companies.可以说我有很多公司。

Companies = {Company1, Company2, Company3}

.. and Each company contains an array of employee names. ..每个公司都包含一组员工姓名。

Company1.EmployeeList = {"Employee1", "Employee2"}
Company2.EmployeeList = {"Employee3", "Employee4"}
Company3.EmployeeList = {"Employee5", "Employee6"}

Why do I always receive the first company with the following code?为什么我总是收到带有以下代码的第一家公司?

var myCompany = Companies.FirstOrDefault(c=> c.EmployeeList.FirstOrDefault(name => name == "Employee3") != null);

I run this code:我运行这段代码:

string[] s1 = new [] {"Employee1", "Employee2"};
string[] s2 = new []  {"Employee3", "Employee4"};
string[] s3 = new []  {"Employee5", "Employee6"};
string[][] s = new [] { s1,s2,s3 };

var result = s.FirstOrDefault(c => c.FirstOrDefault(n => n == "Employee3") != null);

And the result is:结果是:

String [] (2 items)  

Is your example not telling the whole story?你的例子没有说明整个故事吗?

  • Does Company1 have Employee3 somewhere in their EmployeeList ? Company1在其EmployeeList Employee3
  • I see you are using LINQ-to-SQL, if this is correct, how do you have a property on a LINQ-to-SQL model that is a string array?我看到你正在使用 LINQ-to-SQL,如果这是正确的,你如何在 LINQ-to-SQL model 上拥有一个属性? Have you added an extension method / partial method to create this array?您是否添加了扩展方法/部分方法来创建此数组?
  • Are the Employees not actually String (ie is the == overloaded or similar) Employees实际上不是String (即==是否重载或类似)

As a start, I'd recommend changing your code to use Any rather than FirstOrDefault != null首先,我建议您将代码更改为使用Any而不是FirstOrDefault != null

var myCompany = Companies
   .FirstOrDefault(c => c.EmployeeList.Any(name => name == "Employee3"));

I also notice that you state:我还注意到你 state:

FirstOrDefault always returns the first item it encounters regardless of how the inner expression evaluated无论内部表达式如何评估,FirstOrDefault 总是返回它遇到的第一个项目

If this is the case, either you have overloaded FirstOrDefault in some way (unlikely) or your inner expression is always true for every example you've tried (ie in the example, the EmployeeList of your first Company has an element that == "Employee3" is true for).如果是这种情况,要么您以某种方式重载FirstOrDefault (不太可能),要么您的内部表达式对于您尝试过的每个示例总是正确的(即在示例中,您的第一个CompanyEmployeeList有一个元素== "Employee3"是真的)。


Two great recommendations from comments:来自评论的两个很好的建议:

  1. ingo suggets using list.Contains(item) rather than list.Any(el => el == item) which means using: ingo 建议使用list.Contains(item)而不是list.Any(el => el == item)这意味着使用:

     var myCo = Companies.FirstOrDefault(c => c.EmployeeList.Contains("Employee3"));
  2. John L suggests that the items ( Employee ?) in EmployeeList are value types or similar, such that default(Employee) is not null . John L 建议EmployeeList中的项目( Employee ?)是值类型或类似的,因此default(Employee)不是null

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