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使用 c++ 在 iphone 中从 diff class 访问 box2d var

[英]box2d var access from diff class in iphone using c++

i have a car.h我有一辆车.h

now inside the car.hi did现在在车里。你好

float cc;
void Step(Settings* settings)


    cc=m_rightWheel->GetWorldCenter().x;// cc hold wheel value i needs this in other class


now i want to access the value of cc in other class, so i did现在我想访问其他 class中 cc 的值,所以我做了

// in VC.h
Car car;

// in VC.m

NSLog(@"car is moving at %f",car.cc );// not working
NSLog(@"car is moving at %f",car->cc );// not working

how to get the value of cc here??如何在这里获得 cc 的值?

**cc=m_rightWheel->GetWorldCenter().x looks weird. **cc=m_rightWheel->GetWorldCenter().x看起来很奇怪。 Remove the ** .删除**

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