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codeigniter url区分大小写的问题

[英]codeigniter url case sensitive issue

I have written a controller with name CMS (capital letter). 我写了一个名为CMS (大写字母)的控制器。 When I call the link http://localhost/CI/testing/admin/cms/insert , It has no problem. 当我调用链接http:// localhost / CI / testing / admin / cms / insert时 ,它没有问题。 Its working fine in localhost. 它在localhost中运行良好。

After uploading that page to server and when I execute the statement, http://dev.test.in/testing/admin/cms/insert , it doesn't display the page. 将该页面上传到服务器后,当我执行语句http://dev.test.in/testing/admin/cms/insert时 ,它不会显示该页面。 But when I change the url to http://dev.test.in/testing/admin/CMS/insert , its in a working condition. 但是当我将URL更改为http://dev.test.in/testing/admin/CMS/insert时 ,它处于工作状态。

In order to solve this either I will have to change the controller name to cms(small letter) or change all the anchor url to CMS. 为了解决这个问题,我必须将控制器名称更改为cms(小写字母)或将所有锚定URL更改为CMS。 Is there any other solution to solve this. 有没有其他解决方案来解决这个问题。 Like writing htaccess file? 喜欢写htaccess文件?


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