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[英]Make URL's case sensitive

Can somebody help me in resolving this. 有人可以帮助我解决这个问题吗?

I have a website on Linux server with Apache. 我在使用Apache的Linux服务器上有一个网站。 Our customer wants that the URL's used in the site should be case Sensitive 我们的客户希望网站中使用的URL区分大小写

ie. 即。 if the link is http://www.example.com/Product-Roadmap if written as http://www.example.com/product-roadmap , it should give 404 page not found 如果链接为http://www.example.com/Product-Roadmap(如果写为http://www.example.com/product-roadmap) ,则应显示404页面

As fas as I know, links in linux server are case sensitive, but in our server they are not. 据我所知,Linux服务器中的链接区分大小写,但在我们的服务器中则不区分大小写。 What should I do to make them case sensitive. 我应该怎么做才能使它们区分大小写。

URL can't themselves be case-(in)sensitive, it is their interpreter who is. URL本身不能区分大小写(不区分大小写),而是由他们的解释器负责。 It means that you need to change the way they are interpreted in your server side application, and since we don't know what is it, I can't give any more details. 这意味着您需要更改它们在服务器端应用程序中的解释方式,并且由于我们不知道它是什么,因此我无法提供更多详细信息。

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