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[英]How to find max and min values of columns values in a 2D array using STL algorithms

I have a 2D array ( vector of vector of ints ) with int values such as these 我有一个2D数组(int的vector),其int值如下

34  19  89  45
21  34  67  32
87  12  23  18

I want to find a max and min value for the column values ( not row values ) preferably using the STL algorithms 我想查找列值(而不是行值)的最大值和最小值,最好使用STL算法

std::max_element, std::min_element

Create a custom functor that compares a certain column number, eg: 创建一个比较特定列号的自定义函子,例如:

struct column_comparer
    int column_num;
    column_comparer(int c) : column_num(c) {}

    bool operator()(const std::vector<int> & lhs, const std::vector<int> & rhs) const
        return lhs[column_num] < rhs[column_num];


std::vector<std::vector<int>> v;
... // fill it with data
int column_num = 3;
int n = (*std::max_element(v.begin(), v.end(), column_comparer(column_num)))[column_num];

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