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[英]Supporting older iOS Versions

Is there any elegant way to "Cut off" support for older iOS operating system versions? 是否有任何优雅的方式来“切断”对较旧的iOS操作系统版本的支持? When I first published my app the current version of iOS was in the 3.x range. 当我第一次发布我的应用程序时,当前版本的iOS处于3.x范围内。 As time progresses continuing to put out updates that support iOS 3.0, while integrating new features found in 4.0 is getting more and more time consuming. 随着时间的推移,继续推出支持iOS 3.0的更新,同时集成4.0中的新功能变得越来越耗时。 Yet I don't see any way that iTunes or any iDevice will effectively handle this for existing users. 然而,我认为iTunes或任何iDevice都不会为现有用户有效地处理这个问题。

Should I simply upload an update set the minimum iOS to 4.0 (or whatever I choose) and move on? 我应该只是上传一个更新设置最低iOS到4.0(或我选择的任何)并继续前进?

Most people have already upgraded to iOS 4.x, but there are still a few on iOS 3.x. 大多数人已经升级到iOS 4.x,但iOS 3.x上仍然有一些。 Leaving those out will surely bring a couple bad App Store reviews (since they won't be able to update, and even worse: if they delete the app they won't be able to download the last 3.x-compatible version of your app), but sometimes it's worth it. 离开那些肯定会带来一些不好的App Store评论(因为他们将无法更新,更糟糕的是:如果他们删除了应用程序,他们将无法下载最后的3.x兼容版本的应用程序),但有时它是值得的。

And yes, you'll need to upload a version that was built with "iOS Deployment Target" set to iOS 4.0. 是的,您需要上传一个使用“iOS部署目标”设置为iOS 4.0的版本。

There isn't any really elegant way, but fortunately most users have moved on to at least OS 4. 没有任何真正优雅的方式,但幸运的是大多数用户已经转向至少OS 4。

The best thing you can do is to give lots of notice in your app update notes, letting users know that "the next update will be 4.0+ only" or that "this is the final 3.x supporting version, please make a backup if you need it..." 您可以做的最好的事情是在应用程序更新说明中给予很多通知,让用户知道“下一次更新将只有4.0+”或“这是最终的3.x支持版本,请备份,如果你需要它...”

Communication is key. 沟通是关键。

A few days before Apple released iOS 7, they start supporting download of older versions of your app . 在Apple发布iOS 7的前几天,他们开始支持下载旧版本的应用程序 From the article: 来自文章:

For example, a user running iOS 5 can now — for the first time — download an app that supports that version of iOS, even if the latest version of the app is ready for iOS 7. The move, which was highlighted on Reddit, is a significant one as it will give those who have not upgraded their iPad, iPhone or iPod to the most recent versions of iOS access to a lot more apps. 例如,运行iOS 5的用户现在可以 - 第一次 - 下载支持该版本iOS的应用程序,即使最新版本的应用程序已准备好用于iOS 7.此举在Reddit上突出显示,这是一个重要的因素,因为它会给那些没有升级他们的iPad,iPhone或iPod的人带来最新版本的iOS访问更多的应用程序。

So if I were you, I would do one more update to support older iOS devices for one last time before moving on and setting the deployment target to higher iOS version. 因此,如果我是你,我会再做一次更新,以便最后一次支持旧的iOS设备,然后再继续将部署目标设置为更高的iOS版本。

The weird thing is, I don't think we can go back and update the older version of our app. 奇怪的是,我认为我们不能回去更新我们的应用程序的旧版本。 So if we have App 1.0 that supports down to iOS 5, then App 1.1 supports only iOS 7 and above, there is no way to release a 1.0.1 update to fix critical bugs for iOS 5 users. 因此,如果我们的App 1.0支持iOS 5,那么App 1.1仅支持iOS 7及更高版本,则无法发布1.0.1更新来修复iOS 5用户的关键错误。

That's why I said I'd update it one last time before bumping the deployment target. 这就是为什么我说我在最后一次更新它之前碰到部署目标。 Maybe wait a few weeks and see if your last update has any critical bugs. 也许等几周,看看你的上一次更新是否有任何严重的错误。

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