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[英]Multiple equal ifs should return different values from different methods (C#)?

I have some methods which use if conditions, like this: 我有一些使用if条件的方法,例如:

string method1()
    bool x= Convert.ToBoolean(...);
    bool y= Convert.ToBoolean(...);

     if (x && y)
         return " ";

     if (!x && y)
         return " ";

      if (!y && x)
          return " ";

      if (!x && !y)
          return "X";

      return " ";

Thats my first method, now I have a similiar one, which has the same checks and the same boolean values, but returns other strings (not space or X). 那就是我的第一个方法,现在我有一个类似的方法,它具有相同的检查和相同的布尔值,但是返回其他字符串(不是空格或X)。 Whats an elegeant approach to solve this? 解决这个问题的方法是什么?

Thanks 谢谢

According to your code you only return "X" if both x and y are false. 根据您的代码,如果x和y均为假,则仅返回“ X”。 In that case every other combination should return " ". 在这种情况下,所有其他组合都应返回“”。 This could be shortened but I left it as is for readability. 可以将其缩短,但为了便于阅读,我将其保留下来。

method1("X", " ");
method1("OtherValue", " ");

string method1(string matchValue, string nonMatchValue)
    bool x= Convert.ToBoolean(...);
    bool y= Convert.ToBoolean(...);

      if (!x && !y)
          return matchValue;

      return nonMatchValue;

Why not pass the desired return values as parameters to the method? 为什么不将所需的返回值作为参数传递给方法?

string method1(string returnVal1, string returnVal2)
    bool x= Convert.ToBoolean(...);
    bool y= Convert.ToBoolean(...);

    if (x && y)
        return returnVal1;

    if (!x && y)
        return returnVal1;

    if (!y && x)
        return returnVal1;

    if (!x && !y)
        return returnVal2;

    return returnVal1;

The elegant approach is to refactor your code so that the boolean checks are in their own method that each of the other two methods can access, and then each method can return a string based on the result of the boolean check. 优雅的方法是重构代码,以便布尔检查位于其他两个方法均可访问的自己的方法中,然后每个方法都可以基于布尔检查的结果返回字符串。


private int BinaryTruthTest(bool x, bool y)
   if(x && y)
      return 3;
   if(!x && y)
      return 1;
   if(!y && x)
      return 2;
   if(!x && !y)
      return 0;

string method1()
   bool x = Convert.ToBoolean(...);
   bool y = Convert.ToBoolean(...);

   int testResult = BinaryTruthTest(x, y);

      return "X";
      return " ";

Not sure what you're trying to do, but if you want a generic version of that method where only the results change, you could pass the result as a 2-dimension array.... 不确定要执行的操作,但是如果您想要该方法的通用版本,而只改变结果,则可以将结果作为二维数组传递。

string method1(string[][] result) {
   bool x= Convert.ToBoolean(...);
   bool y= Convert.ToBoolean(...);
   int u = (x ? 1 : 0);
   int v = (y ? 1 : 0);
   return result[u][v];

It depends on the real-world problem, but I suspect you need a new class that can be reused anywhere: 这取决于实际问题,但是我怀疑您需要一个可以在任何地方重用的新类:

class DecisionMaker
    string _both;
    string _notX;
    string _notY;
    string _neither;
    string _default;

    public DecisionMaker(string both, string notX, string notY, string neither, string defaultVal)
        _both = both;
        _notX = notX;
        _notY = notY;
        _neither = neither;
        _default = defaultVal;

    public string Method1(bool x, bool y)
        if (x && y)
            return _both;

        if (!x && y)
            return _notX;

        if (!y && x)
            return _notY;

        if (!x && !y)
            return _neither;

        return _default;

Or optionally, you can have the Convert.ToBoolean(...) stuff inside Method1 and make Method1 have no parameters. 或者(可选),您可以在Method1中使用Convert.ToBoolean(...)东西,并使Method1没有参数。 Or you could create a DecisionMakerBase abstract class with protected abstract methods that allow you to only change what functionality you need to change. 或者,您可以创建带有受保护抽象方法的DecisionMakerBase抽象类,该抽象方法仅允许您更改需要更改的功能。 It really depends on your scenario. 这确实取决于您的情况。

IF you want method two to return four different values for the four different cases then you could do: 如果您希望方法二针对四种不同的情况返回四个不同的值,则可以执行以下操作:

string method1(string[] values)
if (x && y)
     return values[0];

 if (!x && y)
     return values[1];

  if (!y && x)
      return values[2];

  if (!x && !y)
      return values[3];

} }

However that is not very pretty. 但是,这不是很漂亮。 What is the use of this method in your application? 此方法在您的应用程序中有什么用?

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