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[英]Can this code be more efficient?

This Program should do this 该程序应该这样做

N 10*N 100*N 1000*N
1 10  100    1000
2 20  200    2000
3 30  300    3000
4 40 400     4000
5 50 500    5000

So here's my code: 所以这是我的代码:

public class ex_4_21 {

    public static void main( String Args[] ){

    int process = 1;
    int process2 = 1;
    int process22 = 1;
    int process3 = 1;
    int process33 = 2;

    System.out.println("N   10*N   100*N   1000*N");

        System.out.printf("%d   ",process2);

            process2 = process2 * 10;
            System.out.printf("%d     ",process2);



Can my code be more effecient? 我的代码可以更有效吗? I am currently learning while loops. 我目前正在学习while循环。 So far this what I got. 到目前为止,这是我得到的。 Can anyone make this more efficient, or give me ideas on how to make my code more efficient? 任何人都可以提高效率,或者给我一些想法,使我的代码更高效吗?

This is not a homework, i am self studying java 这不是家庭作业,我是在自学Java

You can use a single variable n to do this. 您可以使用单个变量n来执行此操作。

 while(n is less than the maximum value that you wish n to be)
     print n and a tab
     print n * 10 and a tab
     print n * 100 and a tab
     print n * 1000 and a new line

if the power of 10 is variable then you can try this: 如果10的幂是可变的,则可以尝试以下操作:

 while(n is less than the maximum value that you wish n to be)
    while(i is less than the max power of ten)
        print n * i * 10 and a tab
    print a newline

If you must use a while loop 如果必须使用while循环

public class ex_4_21 {

public static void main( String Args[] ){

int process = 1;

System.out.println("N   10*N   100*N   1000*N");

    System.out.println(process + "  " + 10*process + "  " + 100*process + "  " + 1000*process + "\n");


You have one too many while loops (your "process2" while loop is unnecessary). 您的while循环太多(您的“ process2” while循环是不必要的)。 You also appear to have some bugs related to the fact that the variables you are looping on in the inner loops are not re-initialized with each iteration. 您似乎还存在一些与以下事实有关的错误:您在内部循环中循环的变量没有在每次迭代中都重新初始化。

I would also recommend against while loops for this; 我也建议不要使用while循环。 Your example fits a for loop much better; 您的示例更适合for循环; I understand you are trying to learn the looping mechanism, but part of learning should also be in deciding when to use which construct. 我了解您正在尝试学习循环机制,但是学习的一部分还应该在于确定何时使用哪种构造。 This really isn't a performance recommendation, more an approach recommendation. 这实际上不是性能建议,而是方法建议。

I don't have any further performance improvement suggestions, for what you are trying to do; 对于您正在尝试做的事情,我没有任何进一步的性能改进建议。 You could obviously remove loops (dropping down to a single or even no loops), but two loops makes sense for what you are doing (allows you to easily add another row or column to the output with minimal changes). 您显然可以删除循环(降至单个循环,甚至不循环),但是两个循环对于您的工作有意义(允许您以最少的更改轻松地将另一行或另一列添加到输出中)。

You can try loop unrolling, similar to @Vincent Ramdhanie's answer. 您可以尝试循环展开,类似于@Vincent Ramdhanie的回答。

However, loop unrolling and threading won't produce a significant performance improvement for such a small sample. 但是,对于这么小的样本,循环展开和线程处理不会显着提高性能。 The overhead involved in creating and launching threads (processes) takes more time than a simple while loop. 与简单的while循环相比,创建和启动线程(进程)所涉及的开销要花费更多的时间。 The overhead in I/O will take more time than the unrolled version saves. I / O的开销比展开版本节省的时间更多。 A complex program is harder to debug and maintain than a simple one. 复杂的程序比简单的程序难于调试和维护。

You're thinking is called microoptimization . 你想被称为microoptimization。 Save the optimizations for larger programs and only when the requirements cannot be met or the customer(s) demand so. 仅在无法满足要求或客户要求时才将优化保存在较大的程序中。

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