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ExtJS ComboBox 下拉宽度比输入框宽度宽?

[英]ExtJS ComboBox dropdown width wider than input box width?

Is there any way to set the width of an ExtJS (version 4) ComboBox's dropdown menu to be wider than that of the actual input box?有什么方法可以将 ExtJS(版本 4)ComboBox 的下拉菜单的宽度设置为比实际输入框的宽度宽?

I have a comboxbox that i want to be around 200px but I have paging on the results dropdown and that width is not even big enough to show all the paging bar's controls.我有一个组合框,我想在 200px 左右,但我在结果下拉菜单上有分页,宽度甚至不够大,无法显示所有分页栏的控件。

Here's my code to create the combo:这是我创建组合的代码:

var add_combo = Ext.create('Ext.form.field.ComboBox', 
        id              : 'gbl_add_combo',
        store           : Ext.create('Ext.data.Store',
            remoteFilter : true,
            fields : ['gb_id', 'title'],
            proxy  : 
                type        : 'ajax',
                url         : 'index.php/store/get_items',
                reader      : 
                    type            : 'json',
                    root            : 'records',
                    totalProperty   : 'total',
                    successProperty : 'success'
                actionMethods : 
                    read    : 'POST',
                    create  : 'POST',
                    update  : 'POST',
                    destroy : 'POST'
            loadingText: 'Searching...',
            emptyText: 'No results found'
        queryMode       : 'remote',
        hideLabel       : true,
        displayField    : 'title',
        valueField      : 'gb_id',
        typeAhead       : true,
        hideTrigger     : true,
        emptyText       : 'Start typing...',
        selectOnFocus   : true,
        width           : 225,
        minChars        : 3,
        cls             : 'header_combo',
        pageSize        : 15

There are two parts to this. 这有两个部分。 Firstly, you need to set matchFieldWidth : false in your combobox config. 首先,您需要在组合框配置中设置matchFieldWidth :false。 You can then specify width attributes in the listConfig section to style just the dropdown, while specifying the width of the combobox itself in the main config. 然后,您可以在listConfig部分中指定width属性以仅设置下拉列表的样式,同时在主配置中指定组合框本身的宽度。

This varies from the pervious version, which just let you specify the listWidth property. 这与以前的版本不同,只允许您指定listWidth属性。

I didn't find way to change 'matchFieldWidth' property dynamically. 我没有找到动态更改'matchFieldWidth'属性的方法。 So I found another solution: 所以我找到了另一个解决方

   xtype: 'combobox',
   fieldLabel: 'Short Options',
   queryMode: 'local',
   store: ['Yes', 'No', 'Maybe'],
   matchFieldWidth: false,
   listConfig: {
     listeners: {
       beforeshow: function(picker) {
         picker.minWidth = picker.up('combobox').getSize().width;

Source: http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?293120-Setting-BoundList-minWidth-to-the-width-of-a-parent-ComboBox-without-matchFieldWidth 来源: http//www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?293120-Setting-BoundList-minWidth-to-the-width-of-a-parent-ComboBox-without-matchFieldWidth

In ExtJS 7+ modern, you need to use the beforepickercreate event if you wish to control the width of the combobox's picker.在 ExtJS 7+ modern 中,如果你想控制组合框选择器的宽度,你需要使用beforepickercreate事件。

It's not very intuitive, but it works.它不是很直观,但它确实有效。

            xtype: 'combobox',
            listeners: {
                beforepickercreate: {
                    fn: function(cmp, newV) {
                        newV.listeners = {
                            beforeshow: function(cmp) {
                        return newV;

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