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如何使用 Java 中的 JDBC 2.1 连接到 LDAP

[英]How to use JDBC 2.1 in Java to connect to LDAP

I downloaded JDBC 2.1 and added jdbcLdap.jar as well as ldap.jar in my class path ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/myvd/files/jdbc%20ldap%20bridge/jdbc%20ldap%20bridge%202.1/jdbc-ldap-2.1.zip/download ). I downloaded JDBC 2.1 and added jdbcLdap.jar as well as ldap.jar in my class path ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/myvd/files/jdbc%20ldap%20bridge/jdbc%20ldap%20bridge%202.1/jdbc- ldap-2.1.zip/下载)。 I would like to use it in my java application to connect to an LDAP, though I have not found any examples or explanations on how to use it (only how to connect to an sql server).我想在我的 java 应用程序中使用它来连接到 LDAP,尽管我还没有找到任何关于如何使用它的示例或说明(只有如何连接到 sql 服务器)

Could someone here possibly give a hint?这里有人可以给个提示吗?

The reference for the JDBC-LDAP bridge is located at the the MyVD site. JDBC-LDAP 桥的参考位于 MyVD 站点。 I think you've missed looking at it;我想你错过了看它; it is fairly comprehensive on how to create connections and issue commands against a LDAP server.它相当全面地介绍了如何针对 LDAP 服务器创建连接和发出命令。

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