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如何让线程休眠,直到收到异步 function 的回调?

[英]How to Sleep a thread until callback for asynchronous function is received?

I have a function that needs to be executed only when a callback is received from asynchronous function.我有一个 function,只有在从异步 function 收到回调时才需要执行它。


I call asynchronous function Stop() and soon after that I call asynchronous function Start() .我调用异步 function Stop() ,不久之后我调用异步 function Start()

The Issue before Stop CallBack is received Start() is called and thus I am getting issues.收到 Stop CallBack 之前的问题Start()被调用,因此我遇到了问题。 Also I can not separate the calling of two functions Like I can not do this.:我也不能分开调用两个函数就像我不能这样做一样:

public void SomeFunction()

public void Stop_CallBack(eventargs e)

I have to do this:我必须这样做:

public void SomeFunction()

  //Do something;


but before I receive Stop call back my start() function is executed thus creating the problems for me.但是在我收到 Stop 回调之前,我的 start() function 被执行,从而给我带来了问题。

Can anyone help me out how can I solve this issue.谁能帮我解决这个问题。

This is when you want to use wait handles.这是您想要使用等待句柄的时候。 Here is a short code sample to show one approach:这是一个简短的代码示例,用于展示一种方法:

class AsyncDemo
    AutoResetEvent stopWaitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false);
    public void SomeFunction()
        stopWaitHandle.WaitOne(); // wait for callback    
    private void Start()
        // do something
    private void Stop()
        // This task simulates an asynchronous call that will invoke
        // Stop_Callback upon completion. In real code you will probably
        // have something like this instead:
        //     someObject.DoSomethingAsync("input", Stop_Callback);
        new Task(() =>
                Stop_Callback(); // invoke the callback

    private void Stop_Callback()
        // signal the wait handle


Since these look like member functions, you can add an event member variable (either a ManualResetEvent or an AutoResetEvent . Then in the Stop() method you set the event to signaled. In between the calls to Stop() and Start() you wait for the event.由于这些看起来像成员函数,您可以添加一个事件成员变量( ManualResetEventAutoResetEvent 。然后在Stop()方法中将事件设置为已发出信号。在调用 Stop() 和 Start() 之间等待为事件。

private AutoResetEvent _stopped = new AutoResetEvent(false);

public void SomeFunction()

In the stop function you would do在停止 function 你会做

private void Stop()
         // Your code that does something to stop
         _stopped.Set();  // This signals the event

If using a ManualResetEvent -如果使用ManualResetEvent -

private ManualResetEvent _stopped = new ManualResetEvent(false);

public void SomeFunction()

private void Stop()
         // Your code that does something to stop
         _stopped.Set();  // This signals the event

private void Start()

    // Your other start code here

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