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[英]How to wrap untied callback to asynchronous function

I have to use external component which consist of setting callback "onReceiveData" first to a single method. 我必须使用外部组件,该组件首先将回调“ onReceiveData”设置为单个方法。 Then whenever I call sendData I process result in setted method. 然后,每当我调用sendData时,我都会使用setted方法处理结果。 I'm come from javascript world and I am very confused how to process such request in MVC controller where I need to call the function, wait for response and return results in View. 我来自javascript世界,我很困惑如何在MVC控制器中处理此类请求,我需要在其中调用函数,等待响应并在View中返回结果。 Is there some easy way to wrap it to asynchronous method to use async/await? 有一些简单的方法可以将其包装为异步方法以使用async / await吗?

var component = new Component();
component.Server = "";
component.RecvData = new Component.RecvDataCB(someMethod);

It would be nice to see whole context but for now I'm not sure what you are looking for. 看到整个上下文会很高兴,但是现在我不确定您在寻找什么。 I see two questions ( maybe even three ). 我看到两个问题(甚至三个)。

  1. How to process such request in MVC controller where I need to call the function, wait for response and return results in View 如何在需要调用函数的MVC控制器中处理此类请求,等待响应并在View中返回结果
  2. Is there some easy way to wrap it to asynchronous method to use async/await? 有一些简单的方法可以将其包装为异步方法以使用async / await吗?

Let's begin. 让我们开始。

  1. Let's imagine you have controller and an action which returns a view. 假设您有一个控制器和一个返回视图的动作。 But not just a view but also a data with it - ViewModel. 但不仅是视图,而且还有数据-ViewModel。 One thing that you need to do, if we talking about MVC, is to tell your View how to handle or work with ViewModel that it's getting. 如果我们谈论MVC,您需要做的一件事就是告诉您的View如何处理或使用ViewModel。 For this we need specify a @Model and name 为此,我们需要指定一个@Model和名称

Controller: 控制器:

public class HomeController : Controller
        public IActionResult Index()
            var model = new UserViewModel();
            return View(model);

ViewModel: ViewModel:

public class UserViewModel
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }

View: 视图:

@model UserViewModel

<div class="text-center">
  1. If you want to make your methods async the return type of method should be Task<T> . 如果要使方法async则方法的返回类型应为Task<T> So let's image you have class( same ViewModel. NOTICE never ever keep business logic in viewModel. ) but instead just properties you have some methods inside. 因此,让我们想象一下您具有类(相同的ViewModel。 注意, 永远不要将业务逻辑保留在viewModel中。 ),而是仅在属性中包含一些方法。

ViewModel: ViewModel:

public class UserViewModel
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Age { get; set; }

        public UserViewModel(int age, string name)
            this.Age = age;
            this.Name = name;

        public async Task<int> GetAge()
            return this.Age;

        public async Task<string> GetName()
            return this.Name;


Since your methods' return type is Task they can be async and await 'ed. 由于方法的返回类型为Task,因此它们可以asyncawait You controller would look like this. 您的控制器将如下所示。
Controller: 控制器:

public class HomeController : Controller
        public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
            var model = new UserViewModel(16,"Bob");
            string name = await model.GetName();
            int age = await model.GetAge();
            return View(model);

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