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Generics 铸件

[英]Generics Casting

interface Base { ... }
class Sub : Base { ... }

class OtherBase<T> where T : Base { ... }
class OtherSub<T> : OtherBase<T> where T : Base { ... }

//...in some class
void Call<T>() where T : OtherBase<Base> { }

Call<OtherSub<Sub>>(); //compile fails...

Seems like when using generics, the compiler won't cast a inner generic type (Base/Sub) in the generic type (OtherBase/OtherSub).似乎在使用 generics 时,编译器不会在泛型类型(OtherBase/OtherSub)中转换内部泛型类型(Base/Sub)。 Why does this happen?为什么会这样?

Update : Please also explain the difference between the above and the following (which works)更新:还请解释上面和下面的区别(有效)

void Call<T>() where T : Base { }

Forbidding this behaviour (known as “generic variance”) is necessary because otherwise the following code would compile:禁止这种行为(称为“通用方差”)是必要的,否则以下代码将编译:

List<string> strlist = new List<string>();
List<object> objlist = strlist;

We've added a number to a list of strings.我们在字符串列表中添加了一个数字。 Not good.不好。 (Incidentally, the code would compile for arrays instead of List s because Java allowed this for some reason; however, this will raise a runtime exception.) (顺便说一句,代码将编译为arrays而不是List s,因为 Java 出于某种原因允许这样做;但是,这将引发运行时异常。)

You can avoid this in your case though:不过,您可以在您的情况下避免这种情况:

static void Call<U, T>(T x) where U : Base where T : OtherBase<U> { }

And call it like this:并这样称呼它:

Call(new OtherSub<Sub());

C# 4.0 furthermore provides generic variance for interfaces . C# 4.0 还为接口提供了通用差异 However, their use isn't often necessary.但是,它们的使用通常不是必需的。

Your issue is linked to a concept called variance/covariance.您的问题与称为方差/协方差的概念有关。 In fact, if A inherits from B , Class<A> isn't a Class<B> .事实上,如果A继承自B ,则Class<A>不是Class<B>

See this example:看这个例子:

Class<T> exposes a public method foo(T param) Class<T>公开了一个公共方法foo(T param)

If Class<A> was a Class<B> , then a method having a reference to Class<B> as a Class<A> and calling foo(B param) (with a B instance) would be calling foo(A param) .如果Class<A>Class<B> ,那么将Class<B>引用为Class<A>并调用foo(B param) (带有B实例)的方法将调用foo(A param) . And B isn't a A .而且B不是A

In fact, Class<A> can inherit from Class<B> only if T is used as a return value only in Class<T> .事实上, Class<A>只有在T仅在Class<T>中用作返回值时才能从Class<B>继承。

This is enforced in .NET 4 through the out keyword for generics interface.这是通过 generics 接口的 out 关键字在 .NET 4 中强制执行的。 Class<T> could therefore implement IClass<out T> . Class<T>因此可以实现IClass<out T>

Konrad has a good advice on how to fix your code. Konrad 对如何修复代码有很好的建议。 If you wanted to use C# 4's variance, you could do it like this:如果你想使用 C# 4 的方差,你可以这样做:

interface IOtherBase<out T> where T : Base { }

class OtherBase<T> : IOtherBase<T> where T : Base { }
class OtherSub<T> : OtherBase<T> where T : Base { }

static void Call<T>() where T : IOtherBase<Base> { }

Call<OtherSub<Sub>>() would work then. Call<OtherSub<Sub>>()会起作用。

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