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[英]Move Wildcard Folder structure files to a destination folder

I want to move all the folders starting with "Temp_*****" to a different folder. 我想将所有以“ Temp _ *****”开头的文件夹移动到另一个文件夹。 It does not seem like we can use wild card with Folders. 似乎我们不能对文件夹使用通配符。 I was looking online, and someone posted this piece of code but I'm not sure how to apply it to my scenario. 我当时在网上寻找,有人张贴了这段代码,但是我不确定如何将其应用于我的场景。

@echo off for /d %%a in ({*}) do xcopy "%%a" "C:\Home\a\b\tmp\%%a\" /E

这是一种方法,将C:\\ TEST01 \\替换为您的源文件夹位置:

for /F %%a in ('dir C:\TEST01\TEMP_* /ad /b') do move C:\TEST01\%%a C:\Home\a\b\tmp\%%a


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